Sony has announced the games PS Plus subscribers can grab in May.
Leading the charge for PS4 in May is Quantic Dream's Beyond: Two Souls, an interactive drama-style adventure game. Beyond: Two Souls focuses on Jodie, played by Ellen Page, who must learn to understand and control the psychic link she has with a spirit named Aiden, played by Willem Dafoe. This comes with Quantic Dreams releasing their next game Detroit: Become Human (which has raised some controversy) later this month, with a demo available for it right now.
Subscribers can also enjoy Ubisoft's painterly, critically acclaimed 2D platformer Rayman Legends on PS4 via PS Plus next month. A sequel to 2011's Rayman Origins, Legends sees Rayman and friends team up to rid their land of nightmares conjured by the Magician, who has split into 5 "Dark Teensies" after the events of Origins.
As ever, PS3 owners won't be left wanting in May either. Heading up the pack for PS3 is pirate-themed action RPG Risen 3: Titan Lords, in which players take control of the "Nameless Hero" (a different one from the first two games), one of the few remaining pirate captains in a world abandoned by its gods.
PS3 players can also enjoy co-op arcade actioner Eat Them!, a spiritual successor to the time-honored Rampage series. Eat Them! offers players the chance to take control of one of several rampaging giant beasts, laying waste to cities and indulging in wide-scale destruction.
Finally, of course, there's the PS Vita selection. Puzzling is the name of the game in this month's Vita PS Plus selection, as evidenced by Housemarque's Furmins, a combination of set-up-and-go Lemmings-style gameplay and real-time on-the-fly puzzle-solving. Also up for grabs on Vita is skill-based physics puzzler King Oddball. King Oddball is also available to download for PS3 and PS4 via Cross-Buy, too, which brings the total to 3 for those two consoles.
These games are available to download for those who are already subscribers to the PS4's online PS Plus service. Subscriptions currently cost $9.99 monthly, $24.99 for 3 months or $59.99 for 12 months. It's also possible to sign up for a 14-day free trial, although a form of payment will be required for when the trial ends. The trial can be canceled any time before the 13th day, though, so you won't need to continue after the trial period if you don't want to. You will lose access to these games though once your subscription expires or is canceled.
Once again, those games up for grabs on PS Plus:
- PS4: Beyond: Two Souls
- PS4: Rayman Legends
- PS3: Risen 3: Titan Lords
- PS3: Eat Them!
- PS3 / PS Vita / PS4: King Oddball
- PS Vita: Furmins
Will you be getting stuck into any of May's PS Plus titles? Lapsed subscriber? Has this list convinced you to return? Let us know in the comments below!