beyond good and evil two swallow

Beyond Good And Evil 2 Devs Show Off Ships + Staff Combat

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Published: May 3, 2018 8:15 PM

The Beyond Good & Evil 2 developers released a video blog that shows off new ships & staff combat in the game according to a news post from Ubisoft.

The staff combat in the game is regarded by the developers as an expansion of the same mechanics from Beyond Good & Evil. While the first game had only a handful of attacks resulting in a limited selection of combos, the footage from the second game seems to be focusing on making staff combat a more robust gameplay system. Have a look at the video blog to see it in action:

As for the ships, we get to see a little bit of jetpack action as the characters fly throughout the game world. It's revealed that you'll be able to use your jetpack inside of the ship and you can easily use it to disembark and fly around with or board a smaller ship like a fighter if you'd like to be a bit more maneuverable.

Another point brought up in the video is how pirates weren't really explored very much in the first game. Pirates were originally cave-dwelling enemies that served as a sort of side quest for you to conquer if you felt so inclined. Beyond Good and Evil 2 will further explore just how the pirates get along as an organization and how they fit into society at large.

A livestream also took place earlier today on Twitch. It shows off a bit of footage from the game and contains more in-depth discussion regarding the combat and flight systems. There's talk of being able to travel to space with your friends, although that ability is not yet shown in the pre-alpha footage that we get to see in the livestream. Beyond Good And Evil 2 doesn't yet have a release date, but we're sure to see something interesting when E3 rolls around in the next few weeks.

What do you think of the staff combat and ship footage shown off in the video? How do you think the development of Beyond Good and Evil 2 is progressing? Let us know in the comments below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Beyond Good And Evil 2
Release Date
December 31, 1969 (Calendar)
RPG, Adventure, Action