Bethesda has announced that Arkane Studio's Dishonored 2 will be receiving a standalone expansion called Death of the Outsider. Staring Billie Lurk as the protagonist, she is shown freeing Daud from a group of thugs in Karnaca's underworld. Both of them mention bringing an end to the morally ambiguous Outsider, and he doesn't seem to be happy about hearing that as the trailer closes.
While details are scant for now on how Billie will differ gameplay-wise from Emily and Corvo, there will be new powers and abilities that you can use against fresh enemy types, such as the Envisioned, Sisters of the Oracular Order, and upgraded variants of Clockwork Soldiers alongside plenty of optional targets. You can view some screenshots and more details via Bethesda's website and look forward to killing a god on Sep. 15 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, which will include digital and physical releases.
If you want to know more about this and other announcements happening at E3 then be sure to check out our E3 2017 Coverage Hub.
Are you ready to return to the Empire of the Isles this fall? What do you think playing as Billie will entail? Do you think we'll also get to play as Daud once again? Blink to the comments section to let us know what you think.