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Bethesda E3 2016 - Recap

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Published: June 13, 2016 1:48 AM

Bethesda opened up with a bomb as the clock on the screen counted down from ten. An execute command screen was shown and then a prompt command was issued to show the trailer for Quake Champions, after which Id Software director Tim Willis took to the stage. The command screen also seemed to tease a brand new Wolfenstine: New Colossus. 


"The game that defined competitive multiplayer is back," said Willis.

Quake Champions will be for the PC only and will run at 120 hertz with an unlocked frame rate. Willis also reviled that more information would be given at Quakecon concerning their involvement with e-sports outside of Quakecon.


As Bethesda's Pete Hines took the stage he recapped some of the companies success and highlights over the past year.

Elder Scrolls Legends, a new trading card game was the first new title to be presented by Hines and  was accompanied by a slick new cinematic trailer. He also confirmed that Elder Scrolls Legends would be coming to Android and IOS devices later this year and that they would be adding more players to the beta this week. 


Fallout 4 came up next as Todd Howard showed off several new pieces of DLC including the ability to build your own vault and experiment on dwellers, the Nuka World amusement park DLC, and announced that the successful Fallout Shelter will be also coming to PC. Howard then confirmed that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim will be getting an HD remaster and would be released on October 28th. 


Arkane studios then took the stage to reveal what they called a 'surprise' that turned out to be the long thought canceled successor to Prey, however following a domain renewal rumors began to circulate again that development of the title had resumed. You can check out the reveal trailer below, Arkane Studio's Prey will be a reboot of the series and doesen't seem to have any connection with Machine Games original concept for Prey 2


Updates to Doom came next which will receive new features to both its single and multiplayer. Hines also joked that for this week only players can download Doom 'Shareware' which is what all the old guys in the industry called a demo. Players can download the first level and play it for free. 


Elder Scrolls Online told us that 578 million mud crabs have been killed since the games launch, and that on June 23rd Zenimax would be bringing ESO to Japan. They followed that with the console debut of the launch trailer for the Dark Brotherhood DLC that comes out next week on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. One Tamriel was also announced which removes level restrictions for grouping and allows any player from any alliance to group together. 

TESO DarkBrotherhood

Bethesda VR was revealed, supporting Doom and Fallout 4 and that Fallout 4 will be released in 2017 on the HTC Vive.

Hines then brought out Harvey Smith, the creative director of Dishonored 2, to give a first look at the game.

"In Dishonored 2 you play an assassin in a steampunk city...we wanted Dishonored 2 to resemble a painting in motion," said Smith. 

 It was also said that the game was running off their brand-new technology called the Void Engine.

The pre-recorded demo showed off a mid-game assassination and gave a look Dishonored 2's new playable protagonist Emily as she used some her slick new powers to take down her target. Just when you thought we had seen everything, another section of the game was shown that took advantage of a time travel mechanic. Dishonored 2 will be release on November 24 2016 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and wrapped up with the worldwide premiere of Dishonored 2's gameplay trailer. 


Bethesda wrapped up the show by announcing a collector's and Imperial edition for Dishonored 2, with the definitive edition coming with an HD remaster of the original with all of its DLC for current gen consoles. 

There's still lots more E3 left including conferences tomorrow from Microsoft, Ubisoft, and Sony so stay with TechRaptor as we bring you all of the latest announcements. If you're craving more info or feel like you missed something you can find all of our coverage in one spot at our E3 2016 Coverage hub.