BattleCry Featured

Bethedsa's BattleCry brings its swords to an online war

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Published: May 28, 2014 3:59 PM

Today, Bethesda unveiled BattleCry, which is a new free-to-play multiplayer combat game for the PC. In the world of BattleCry, gunpowder has been banned, and combatants will fight in 32-player battlegrounds. Because gunpowder has been banned, you will fight with "transformative" weapons - swords that can become shields, lightning-charged blades, bows, and some sort of face-owning gauntlet as you'll see in the trailer below.

If you've played Dishonored, you've seen the art style before, as this world has been created by Viktor Antonov - the conceptual artist of both Half-Life 2 and Dishonored. BattleCry is essentially an alternate, and somewhat retro history of the world, where you play during the turn of the 20th century. Because these conflicts are shaping the history of the world, teams will fight each other in "WarZones" - which is more organized than you'd imagine battles would be.

It's your choice which side you choose, Royal Marines or Cossacks - and it's your choice. After choosing, you will level up and progress your character through ranks as you unlock new abilities and various builds for your class. We don't know much about the game just yet, but we know that anyone who goes to E3 will be able to play the game, as well as  the open beta that will begin in 2015.

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Rutledge Daugette
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Rutledge Daugette is the Guides Editor & Founder of TechRaptor. Rutledge's degree in Game Programming ultimately led him to found the site in 2013, with… More about Rutledge