Battlefield V Year 2 Editiion

Battlefield V Year 2 Edition Released

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Published: October 31, 2019 3:00 PM

Coinciding with the release of Chapter Five: War in the Pacific, Battlefield V now has a Year 2 edition available for digital download, making it the definitive edition of the game released thus far.

By purchasing Battlefield V Year 2 Edition, you are outfitted with a copy of the main game in all its glory, as well as all five chapters in the Battlefield V Tides of War series of content. Tides of War is a continuation of the game through the release of seasonal events. These new chapters add additional battlefields, single-player stories, weapons, vehicles, classes, and more to the base game.

Tides of War content included in Battlefield V Year 2 Edition:

Chapter 1: Overture
•    New Map: Panzerstorm
•    New War Story: Last Tiger
•    Practice Range
•    New Feature: Vehicle Customization

Chapter 2: Lightning Strikes
•    Play Co-Op in Combined Arms
•    New Grand Operation
•    New Mode: Rush
•    New Mode: Squad Conquest
•    New Weapons and Vehicles

Chapter 3: Trail by Fire
•    New Mode: Firestorm
•    New Mode Variation: Grind
•    New Combined Arms Missions
•    New Mode Variation: Fortress
•    New Map: Mercury
•    New Mode: Outpost

Chapter 4: Defying the Odds
•    New Map: Al Sundan
•    New Map: Marita
•    New Elites
•    Two New Close-Quarter Maps
•    New Weapons

Chapter 5: War in the Pacific
•    Two New Factions
•    New Map: Iwo Jima
•    New Map: Wake Island
•    New Weapons
•    Two New Battle Pickups
•    New Vehicles
•    New Elites

…and more!

Battlefield V Chapter 5 Vechicles

With the release of the Year 2 Edition, both Battlefield V Deluxe Edition and the Deluxe Edition upgrade will be removed from all stores for purchase since they are no longer the ideal collection. If you already have them purchased—don’t fret—you can still download and play them as usual but moving forward new players will have to purchase the Year 2 Edition.

Have you been holding out for this edition of Battlefield V? Maybe you're just sick of the myriad of editions out there for a single game. Let us know how you feel the comments down below!

Dustin Triplett
| Staff Writer

Dustin Triplett is a freelance writer and co-… More about Dustin

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Battlefield V
Game Page Battlefield V
Electronic Arts
Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC
Release Date
November 20, 2018 (Calendar)
Purchase (Some links may be affiliated)