Battlefield 1 Screenshot Showing a scene in the game with incredibly low rendering resolution, resulting in a very pixelated game.

Battlefield 1 Glitch Drops Resolution to 160x90

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Published: October 19, 2016 5:02 PM

Many gamers, myself included, don’t put a heavy emphasis on graphical fidelity. A game's aesthetic doesn't matter much when the gameplay is good in theory. Gameplay is far more important than aesthetics, right? That may be so, but a glitch found in Battlefield 1 from DICE on the PlayStation 4 brings this sentiment to a new level.

According to the YouTube page VG Tech, a rare glitch with the game’s dynamic resolution causes the quality to dip all the way to 160x90. The video is posted below, and they briefly explain the bug in the description. The channel created the video to test the game's performance on a technical level. What they found ended up being a hilariously low dip in resolution. The video also showed the game running at inconsistent framerates. It randomly jumps from 40 FPS to 60 throughout.

Dynamic resolution is when a game offers a shifting resolution instead of one consistent one. As different objects come into view, the resolution changes. A video by Digital Foundry goes into greater detail about how the process works in Halo 5. The result is often a higher framerate without sacrificing much graphical fidelity when done right. In this case, though, the result is a game that briefly looks like an N64 game while using the wrong pair of subscription glasses.

Battlefield 1 Screenshot showing a glitch that appears to make everything incedibly pixelated.

The picture above shows the game in action, while the glitch takes occurs. The bug is rare and seems to only happen on the PS4 version of the game. A patch will likely follow this discovery and bring the game to a more modern resolution.


Quick Take:

This reminds me a bit of the Assassin's Creed Unity glitch that caused faces to disappear, only leaving floating teeth and eyeballs. It's a rare glitch, but a hilarious one that went viral. I wouldn't be surprised to see this glitch shared throughout social media in the gaming space.

Have you ever experienced this glitch in Battlefield 1? What are some of your favorite and funniest glitches in games? Let us know in the comments below!

TJ Sprague
| Former Staff Writer

I'm a former writer for TechRaptor, reader, and mascot platformer enthusiast. When I'm not writing or playing games you can find me playing bass, drinking… More about TJ

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Battlefield 1
Game Page Battlefield 1
Electronic Arts
Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC
Release Date
October 21, 2016 (Calendar)
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