First leaked back in April, then officially announced a month later in May, only to be delayed indefinitely in June, I think it's safe to say that Batman: Return to Arkham has endured an interesting couple of months. The port of Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City only has a few more months left to endure now, as the game has officially been slated for October 21st of this year. A new trailer has been released for the game that shows the graphical improvements coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. You can check out the comparison video below:
The first two Batman: Arkham games are being ported to current generation consoles by the China-based studio Virtuous, while Rocksteady is said to be overseeing the porting process. Virtuous is best known for previous HD remakes like Final Fantasy X/X 2 HD and Heavy Rain HD. Batman: Return to Arkham was originally delayed indefinitely from July 26th of this year. WB Games stated that they were unhappy with the state of the HD remaster and needed more time to get the game running smoothly, although the delay may have been caused in part by many comments opining that the remastered version looked worse than the original. Virtuous is not just increasing the resolution and frame rate of the first two Batman: Arkham games - they are porting the two games to a completely new engine entirely for Batman: Return to Arkham. Unreal Engine 4, to be exact.
Batman: Return to Arkham will not only include remastered versions of both Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, but all the DLC released for each game as well. It is also important to note, however, that the remaster will not be coming to PC. However, you can still buy the Game of the Year editions for each game on Steam for about $20 each. Batman: Return to Arkham will not include Batman: Arkham Origins, as Origins was not developed by Rocksteady, nor the more recently released Batman: Arkham Knight.
Batman: Return to Arkham will cost £40/$50/€50 and will be coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on October 21st of this year.
Are you excited for Batman: Return to Arkham? What do you think about the graphical improvements made to the original Arkham games? Let us know in the comment section below!