Batista Gears 5 single-player campaign cover

Batista Can Replace Marcus Fenix in Next Gears 5 Update

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Published: October 23, 2020 2:07 PM

The Dave Batista Gears 5 model served as a neat addition to multiplayer, but a forthcoming update for the game will take things to the next level by letting you replace Marcus Fenix with Batista.

Gears 5 has been launching a steady stream of content ever since its launch more than a year ago. Additional characters from Terminator: Dark Fate made their debut shortly after launch and we saw a major improvement to the game with Title Update 4 earlier this year. Now, some even more goodies are coming alongside the Gears 5 Xbox Series X launch later this year.

Check out the Batista Gears 5 trailer to see him replace Marcus Fenix in the campaign!

How Do You Replace Marcus Fenix with the Batista Gears 5 Character?

Replacing Marcus Fenix with Dave Batista is a pretty straightforward process as detailed in a recent interview on IGN. Players must simply equip the Batista skin for Marcus when they start a new game. This isn't just a cosmetic change, mind — Batista has also recorded all of the necessary voice lines.

Bear in mind, Batista isn't the only new content coming in the next big update. The next big Gears 5 update will also feature the following new content:

  • New Game+
  • Ironman and Inconceivable difficulty modes
  • Character skins for Kait, Del, and JHD
  • Weapon Skins
  • Jack upgrades will carry over
  • Mutators such as Big Head mode
  • New achievements

Ironman mode — essentially a Hardcore mode — is exactly how it works in other games. Players have one life to live and that's it. If you die, you'll have to start the game all over again. These are just some of the many changes coming with the next big Gears 5 update; you can read the full IGN interview for more details.

Batista Gears 5 single-player campaign slice

When is the Gears 5 Xbox Series X Release Date?

The Gears 5 Xbox Series X release date will be November 10, 2020 — the launch day for the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. Most recently, the developers detailed how the more powerful console can reduce input latency and allow for a "profoundly more responsive" gameplay experience.

For now, you'll have to wait a few more weeks until you can enjoy this update. If you haven't yet picked up the latest game in the Gears of War franchise, you can buy Gears 5 on the Microsoft Store starting at $39.99 or your regional equivalent; you'll be able to use Smart Delivery to play it on the Xbox Series X on launch day. Alternatively, you can buy Gears 5 on Steam starting at the same price point.

What do you think of the Batista Gears 5 model being made available in single-player? What new features are you looking forward to the most? Let us know in the comments below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Gears 5
Game Page Gears 5
The Coalition
Xbox Game Studios
Xbox One, PC
Release Date
September 10, 2019 (Calendar)
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