Today, publisher QubicGames and developer SQRT3 have announced that Barbarous: Tavern of Emyr is heading to Nintendo Switch, is now available for pre-order, and will be released on Christmas this year. It's a Christmas miracle!
In Barbarous, players must prepare tasty tidbits and deliver them to their customers. Players will do this by combining items into compounds. However, they have to be quick, because like most customers, they won't wait forever and are prone to anger outbursts over the slightest inconvenience. Time has to be managed well, or the customers will leave.
Depressing origin story aside, players will earn points for checking out guests and earn diamonds as a reward, which is pretty cool for Emyr's most famous hero, or at least your character was, until he got dethroned by a wound. The press release doesn't say where the hero received the wound, so I'm going to leave it up to your overly-creative imagination instead.
Like all heroes, there is a prophecy. In it, he's supposed to kill his Archenemy. Instead, he wakes up one day in a tavern after he spent all of his money on said run-down tavern. Then, a teenager shows up saying that she is his daughter. She says it's been a decade since he disappeared, and now he is faced with attempting to figure out who he is again and getting his life back on track.
In Barbarous, players can enjoy a single and cooperative mode, 5 unique taverns, 60 different levels, and 120 in-game cutscenes with allegedly humorous references.
Barbarous: Tavern of Emyr is heading to the Nintendo Switch on December 25 for $7.99, and it can be pre-ordered now.
What do you think of this article? Does this game look really cool? Do you love my jokes and want to help me build up my ego? Let us me know in the comments!