scarlet nexus

Bandai Namco Announces Scarlet Nexus For PlayStation and PC

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Published: May 8, 2020 2:54 PM

Developers and publishers are already hard at work creating titles for the next-generation of console, and Bandai Namco is the latest to join the group. The iconic studio officially announced their latest project, Scarlet Nexus, yesterday for Xbox platforms. This time around it is confirmed for PC and Sony's PS4 and upcoming PS5 console as well.

The newly revealed title is an action role-playing title, putting you in the shoes of Yuito Sumeragi. Our protagonist, armed with psycho-kinesis abilities,  will have to unravel the mysteries filling every corner of the futuristic city of New Himuka. Players will have to face off against the Others, mutants who came to our planet from up above, and protect citizens from the enemy's hunger for human brains. Your powers are the only way to stop them.

Scarlet Nexus Producer, Keita Iizuka, expressed his excitement towards what the next-generation of consoles has to offer in terms of graphical and operational power, and allowed the development team to realize their original vision for the title and achieve its potential. Unlike the recently announced Madden NFL 21Scarlet Nexus will take advantage of Microsoft's Smart Delivery feature for the Xbox Series X, which means anyone who purchases the title will get to play the best version of the title on whichever Microsoft console they are on.

The next generation of video game home consoles lets the development team realize the full potential of Scarlet NexusPlayers can expect visuals and psychic battles with high resolution and frame rate along with fully interactive real-time battles with dynamic animation. Utilizing Smart Delivery on Xbox Series X also means players can enjoy the best version of Scarlet Nexus regardless of whether they are playing on the next generation with Xbox Series X or Xbox One.

Scarlet Nexus doesn't have a release date yet, but will be available for Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, and PC. Make sure to check out the title's announcement trailer below.

How excited are you for the next-generation of consoles? What is the franchise you would love to see come to next-gen platforms from Bandai Namco? Let us know your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section down below.

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JRPG, Action, RPG
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