Axiom Verge

Axiom Verge to release on the PS Vita soon

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Published: March 31, 2016 10:29 PM

Today on the PlayStation Blog it was revealed that popular Metroidvania title Axiom Verge would be coming to the PlayStation Vita on April 19th. Originally released for PC back in 2015 this title has recieved much praise and was even nominated as the Best Independent Game in 2015 by The Game Awards.

Tim Happ took to the PlayStation Blog to not only announce this release but confirm that it will be a cross-buy title, meaning if you already own it on the PlayStation 4 then you will be able to download it on your PS Vita free of charge. Happ then talked about the challenges that presented themselves during the development and porting process of the game from the lack of support of XNA and move to MonoGame, the ease of the PlayStation 4 port, and how attempting to optimize the Axiom Verge engine for the PlayStation Vita was a slow and painful process. He thanks Tom Spilman from Sickhead Games who was in charge of the process.

As further good news for those who are interested in purchasing the title for either their PlayStation 4 or their PlayStation Vita for the first week after the launch Axiom Verge will be discounted 10% to thank everyone for their support and patience.

The PlayStation Blog ends with Happ talking about the past year in reflection of the initial release of the game. He lists such accomplishments as Giant Bomb giving the game a 5/5, a score it hadn't given in about 2 years and 25 other scores of 9/10 or better. 

While we still know that there are plans for the title to come to WiiU and to the Xbox One there is still no word on when this will happen. If you want to learn more about the game then you can head to their website.

What do you think of Axiom Verge coming to the PlayStation Vita? Do you already own it on PlayStation 4 or is this going to make you consider buying it? Let us know in the comments below!

Andrew Stretch Headshot
| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew