Charity speedrunning event Awesome Games Done Quick 2025 has come to a close, and the event has raised a huge amount of money for charity organization Prevent Cancer Foundation.
Per a press release, AGDQ 2025 has raised a grand total of $2,556,305 for the cancer charity, which advocates for cancer prevention and early detection. That's around the same amount raised during Awesome Games Done Quick 2023 and slightly more than AGDQ 2024's total.
Like last year's event (but not the previous year's), AGDQ 2025 took place over a seven-day period in Pittsburgh, PA, with over 2,000 people attending the event and "tens of thousands" of people streaming it online.

As you'd expect if you've seen an AGDQ event before, many games were streamed during this year's marathon, and some of them enjoyed some pretty wacky accompaniments too.
Highlights, as a press release points out, include Dr. Doot's saxophone-driven Elden Ring stream (which you can see below), as well as an actual opera performance by Xem upon completion of his run of Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando.
You may also have seen FunkopotamusWes playing New Super Mario Bros. Wii using his head and feet while using his hands to play the piano, then doing the same while blindfolded. No wonder the amount raised for charity was so high.
Lest you think AGDQ 2025 focused only on good games, though, think again; the Awful Block segment featured streamers playing through games like the legendarily godawful Superman 64 and the just-plain-weird Golf With Your Grandmother.
Awesome Games Done Quick 2025 concluded on Sunday morning with a Super Metroid run, which feels like a nice, classic way to bring proceedings to a close.
If you missed any of the runs that took place during AGDQ 2025, you can check them all out via the official Games Done Quick YouTube channel. You can also still make a donation to Prevent Cancer Foundation via its official website if you'd like to.