astroneer new rover & platform

Astroneer Update Revitalizes Rovers

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Published: March 15, 2018 11:20 PM

An update for Astroneer has been released today which improves upon the game's existing rovers with new models and functionality according to a forum post on the game's official website.

The primary focus of this update is centered on the rovers, wheeled vehicles that are the workhorses of the mid-game in Astroneer. Both the Medium and Large Rovers have received visual updates to their design and changes to the power ports on the front and rear to bring them more in-line with the reworked power system from last month's Basebuilding Update. Perhaps the most interesting new addition is the ability for all base modules to be fitted on rovers; this effectively makes it possible for players to live completely as nomads with an entirely mobile base (at least in terms of ground movement). The rovers' suspension has also had a bit of work done under the hood, hopefully quashing any ambitions of the vehicles entering low orbit at the slightest provocation.

The bases will get a bit more variety with a number of new platforms being added into the mix. These will let players attach modules and hoard goodies with greater ease. (Previously, the game's storage options boiled down to placing Artifacts directly on platforms or using quite a few Medium Storage modules to keep all of their materials neat.) These new platforms aren't necessarily straight upgrades in every respect, either - players can pick and choose from between the different types to fit different purposes and change the overall aesthetic of their base.

Finally, the game's power system has received a new "Splitter" object that lets you determine the direction of power flow from between three points. This will allow players to determine which parts of their base receive power and which do not, an especially helpful feature when you're in the early game and tight on power generation. The visuals for power moving along cables has also seen an improvement over the placeholder visuals added into the previous patch.

A number of other small bugfixes and changes have been added into Astroneer with this latest patch. Be sure to check out the patch notes to read up on all the details. If you don't already own Astroneer, you can buy it via the Humble Store or Steam for PC. You can also grab it for the Xbox One and PC over at the Microsoft Store. Be sure to check out our preview of the game!

What do you think of the new additions included in this Astroneer Update? Do you think you'll make a mobile base or will you stick to using them for exploration? Let us know in the comments below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Game Page Astroneer
Xbox One, PC
Release Date
December 31, 1969 (Calendar)
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