Xbox Games Pass subscribers should be able to play Rare’s Sea of Thieves since it’s included with the service but are currently unable to do so.
A tweet from the official Sea of Thieves Twitter account noted the issue and said they are working to fix it. That was several hours ago, and there has been no news or updates on a fix at this time.
The Xbox Live Status page also notes the issue, with “We’re working on the issue” as the latest update.
This problem joins other server errors that result in game crashes and players losing all their loot.
Rare released an update for the game earlier today, but it requires redownloading the game: 19.53 GB on PC and Xbox One X, and 10 GB on Xbox One.
This inconvenient update and the many problems, alongside the game’s less-than-great reviews, may make some wonder why they should take to Rare’s high seas. The game is clearly in an early-access state and needs a lot of patching and additional gameplay content before it can be considered a solid haul. That said, over one million players took part in the game over the first 48 hours, despite login problems around launch. They've also responded to critique by canceling an announced plan of a "Death Cost" after players were upset about it.
Sea of Thieves is Microsoft's first big release since they announced that Xbox Game Pass would have all Microsoft First Party Titles at launch. That makes this a potentially troubling issue for the new subscription service and also makes one wonder, how many of the million players at launch were using Game Pass to connect either by paying for it or via a free trial.
Are you playing Sea of Thieves? Have you been hit by any of these server issues? Either way, what do you think of this situation? Let us know in the comments.