Animal Crossing Selena Gomez concert cover

Animal Crossing Selena Gomez Concert Surprises Fans on Twitch

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Published: August 6, 2020 3:31 PM

Fans tuning in to Gary Whitta's virtual talk show ANIMAL TALKING were in for a surprise last night — they got to see a surprise Animal Crossing Selena Gomez concert.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is, of course, Nintendo's smash hit game on the Nintendo Switch where players get indebted to the most adorable of loan sharks as they start a new life on a tropical island. The game has been wildly popular — understandably so, considering how so many of us are stuck at home — and one man took that opportunity to create a virtual talk show.

Let's get right to it: check out the surprise Animal Crossing Selena Gomez concert on Gary Whitta's ANIMAL TALKING on Twitch (starting at 0:33):

The pop star was joined by Trevor Daniel singing their new track "Past Life." As this is a virtual show, neither Selena Gomez nor Trevor Daniel actually appeared on screen; rather, they were represented by their Animal Crossing: New Horizons avatars.

Garry Whitta has been running his show ANIMAL TALKING for the last three months or so. Past guests have included Penny Arcade's Jerry Holkins & Mike Krahulik, T-Pain, and Tim Schaefer.

Animal Crossing Selena Gomez concert slice

Animal Crossing Selena Gomez Concert Reveals the Game's Broad Appeal

"How did this happen?" Gary Whitta asked Selena Gomez in disbelief. "How are you here? This makes no sense. You are legitimately a super-duper famous person and this is the dumbest show. I- I- I- I have no idea how we got you, I'm just so glad that you're here."

"Look, I have money," Gomez jokingly replied, laughing. "I'm just kidding. No, no. Everyone is talking about this. It's so fun. All my friends play [Animal Crossing: New Horizons.]"

Selena Gomez went on to explain that she thought it would be fun to be a guest on ANIMAL TALKING and that her sister would particularly like it. Interestingly, she didn't have her own avatar to bring to the show; rather, Gary Whitta's wife created the character to Gomez's specifications.

The realities of the coronavirus pandemic have necessitated changes in all walks of life, especially entertainment; pretty much every major talk show has shifted to a virtual model. ANIMAL TALKING has smartly combined that model with the growing popularity of Animal Crossing: New Horizons — we're sure to see even more surprises in the weeks to come.

What do you think of the Animal Crossing Selena Gomez concert? Do you think a show like ANIMAL TALKING will have long-term appeal? Let us know in the comments below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Nintendo Switch
Release Date
March 20, 2020 (Calendar)
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