Back in 2002, Age of Mythology was released, and it is still considered by many to be one of the greatest RTS games of all time. Straying from the more grounded historical conflicts of the first two games, Age of Mythology went grand with both historical and mythical units to command as one of nine gods from three pantheons: Greek, Egyptian, and Norse. In 2003, an expansion pack titled Age of Mythology: The Titans was released, adding a fourth exciting pantheon... More Greek figures. While it certainly was a fun and well-rounded addition to the title, many were disappointed that the game didn't add in a religion from an unused culture.
Now with Age of Mythology: Tale of the Dragon fans can finally get what they wished for over a dozen years ago. Tale of the Dragon introduces three Chinese gods to play as; Fu Xi, Nu Wa, and Shennong. Of course, there are also nine other gods that serve as skill trees of sorts as you would expect from Age of Mythology.
Of course, with a whole new pantheon comes a whole new slew of units. Of course, there are your normal archers, halberdiers, and even the return of the dreaded monk from Age of Empires II (another old game with a recent expansion of it's own), but you also have more unique myth units such as terracotta warriors and the iconic Qing Long Chinese style dragon. To top it all off, there's also a Chinese-focused campaign focusing on just what was going down in the east while Kastor unleashed the titans from Mount Olympus in the first expansion.
Of course, like any good expansion, the multiplayer is going to be getting a boost in content. There are seven new maps confirmed, including a deep jungle, old Atlantis, and even the Silk Road along with a new 'giant' map size that affects both new and old maps.
Do you like Age of Mythology? Are you going to be picking up Tale of the Dragon? How mad will your friends be when facing the full wrath of a mythical wololo? Sound off in the comments to let us know!