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Advanced Wars-Like Wargroove Sets Sights on Second Half 2018 Release

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Published: April 7, 2018 12:25 PM

Wargroove is the turn-based strategy game from Chucklefish, the publisher most known for publishing Stardew Valley. The news comes via an interview between Chucklefish designer and artist, Jay Baylis and PCGamesN at this year's PAX East. Baylis revealed that the team is aiming for a release in the second half of 2018, stating:

It’s taken some time, we really want it to be a huge package.” Baylis says. “If it stands alone in a robust package then people appreciate that even if the art seems retro and simplistic. Also I think [fans] appreciate the kind of games we make because they know a Chucklefish game is something which has a lot of content and a lot of value.”
The game is inspired by the likes of Advance Wars and offers up 12 campaigns for players to tackle. There's online and local multiplayer, with the online part being particularly interesting. Each player can make their move and send it off to the other player to retaliate later, regardless of whether they are online or not.

Wargroove's biggest hook though is in its extensive editing tools. Players can create and mod their own campaigns, adding more detail to suit their play-style. They revealed that these tools will include not just the ability to create and link maps, but also a cutscene editor so players can create cutscenes for their own campaigns. Also on the single-player side is the inclusion of both an Arcade Mode and Challenge Mode. Arcade Mode offers alternate scenarios for each character, while Challenge Mode tasks players with completing objectives with certain restrictions.

It seems that Wargroove will have plenty of content when it launches later this year, impressive considering the team behind it is only made up of five people. Wargroove is set to launch on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. Be sure to check out the game's announcement trailer below, which shows the charming turn-based combat in action.


Are you excited to dive into Wargroove later this year? Let us know in the comments.

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February 1, 2019 (Calendar)
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