Adult Swim Games have announced that they will be publishing a new ToeJam and Earl game. Titled ToeJam and Earl: Back in the Groove, developed by Humanature Studios, the game will try to recreate the magic of the first games and will be out in 2017 on PC and Consoles.
The game will bring new features to the franchise whilst also trying to incorporate the best features of the first two games. It seems to be a mash-up of the first two Sega Genesis games, completely ignoring the 3rd, Xbox Only, 3D game that isn't as fondly remembered. The game's art has been spruced up,while staying true to the original;s art style. It will also be keeping a heavy focus on Co-op as highlighted in the trailer released.
You will once again be searching for pieces of your rocket ship, sticking to the original formula of the earlier games, with the developers saying they want to "give old skool TJ & E fans a pure blast of funky nostalgia".
The game was actually crowdfunded on Kickstarter last year, and initially had an estimated release date of sometime in 2015. It managed to raise $508,637 but its stretch goals of being on consoles were not met. Now it seems with Adult Swim Games publishing the game, as stated at the end on the trailer, the game will also be coming to consoles.
It has been almost 25 years since the first ToeJam and Earl, where the two alien rappers crashed on earth. Its sequel was also released on the Sega Genesis, 2 years later in 1993.
ToeJam and Earl: Back in the Groove is set to come out in 2017 on both PC and consoles, although which consoles exactly hasn't been confirmed. They also recently launched the steam page for it, where you can follow it and add it to your wishlist if you so desire. When the specifics are announced we will be sure to let you know.
Are you excited by the prospect of a new ToeJam and Earl game? Did you play the original? Let us know in the comments what you think.