A player aiming at a monster (also controlled by a player) in Evolve

2K Looking At Evolve Revival As Fans Keep The Game Alive

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Published: October 21, 2022 10:37 AM

Ill-fated multiplayer shooter Evolve could be revived, as 2K has acknowledged the diligent work of fans in keeping the game alive. 2K says it "hear[s] and appreciate[s]" the feedback from players regarding Evolve, and that it's looking for a way to support fans and the game going forward.

Since it closed its doors in 2018, Evolve players have been keeping their own servers alive in order to play with one another in lieu of official support from publisher 2K. Now, according to a message from 2K posted on the Evolve Reunited 2.0 Discord (as well as in the game itself), the company is "exploring options to continue to support" fans in their efforts to play Evolve. It's an exciting time to be an Evolve fan, that's for sure.

A message within Evolve in which 2K says it wants to "support" fans as they play the now-defunct game
Aww, 2K. Image courtesy of Rapture1119 on Reddit.

You might notice that this message is appearing in Evolve's in-game news feed, which should be down if the servers are dead. Well, 2K has switched said feed back on, as well as re-enabling sign-in rewards for players. Could the studio be considering continuing Evolve development in the future, as part of a larger Evolve revival effort? It certainly sounds like 2K is testing the waters for something along those lines.

There's still plenty that doesn't work about Evolve; progression is still wonky, and only PC players who already own the game can currently play it, so you're out of luck if you're a console gamer. However, if you do love Evolve, this could be the start of a beautiful, renewed friendship between 2K and the game. Watch this space.

Evolve has a rocky history, but it will not die

Evolve was originally released back in 2015, eventually going free-to-play the following year under the new name of Evolve: Stage 2. That transition was short-lived, though, as development on the game was halted in October 2016, with server shutdowns following in 2018.

That may have looked like the end for Evolve, but its player community remained relatively robust, keeping the game alive through peer-to-peer play. I guess that $136 paid DLC bonanza at launch (thanks, PCWorld) didn't dampen everyone's enthusiasm for Evolve, eh? Since then, Evolve has trundled along with the support of a relatively small but dedicated community, and now it looks like 2K has recognized that community's efforts.

A squad of four players running through the jungle in Evolve
Evolve could well be back on the radar for PC and console players soon.

Right now, the Evolve community's focus appears to be getting the game relisted on Steam. According to community member Rapture1119 on Reddit, this is "the best way for us to grow the community", as the player base is largest on PC. From there, the goal is to "strengthen our relationship with 2K" so as to potentially get Evolve listed on Game Pass and bring it to consoles in Stage 2 form.

So, what does this mean for Evolve in the short term? At the moment, the community is likely poised in a "wait and see" stance. 2K acknowledging fan efforts is pretty big, but it's not a commitment to a total Evolve revival. For now, we'll have to see what 2K has planned for the game. Still, this is a nice acknowledgement of a strong and dedicated gaming community. Stay tuned for more on this.

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for several years, and in those years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph