Wild West Dynasty Building Guide - cover

Wild West Dynasty Building Guide

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Published: February 16, 2023 11:28 AM

This Wild West Dynasty Building Guide will tell you how to unlock Building and what you need to do to Build your first house.

Quicklinks: How Wild West Dynasty Building Works | How to Build a House

How Wild West Dynasty Building Works

Wild West Dynasty Building is pretty standard -- you'll have to select a Recipe, place the start of a Building on the ground, and spend resources finishing the construction. You'll be able to use a Building once it's been completed.

Not all Buildings are available at the start of the game. Some Buildings will have to be unlocked by investing in the Technology Tree or completing certain objectives. The same rule applies to the Furniture that goes in the Buildings -- some Recipes will have to be unlocked before you can place them.

More critically, not all Buildings are functional in the Early Access version of Wild West Dynasty. Some Buildings (such as the General Store) likely won't work until future updates are released to properly implement their functionality.

How to Unlock Building in Wild West Dynasty

You can unlock Building in Wild West Dynasty by completing the tutorial quests and unlocking the Wooden Hammer.

Wild West Dynasty Building Guide - House

How to Build a House in Wild West Dynasty

Here's how to Build a house in Wild West Dynasty.

  1. Craft a Wooden Hammer.
  2. Place the Wooden Hammer on your Hotbar.
  3. Equip your hammer and press "B" to bring up the Building menu.
  4. Select City > Floor > Floor 5x6 > Floor 5x6 A.
  5. Place the floor in your desired location.
  6. Hit the floor with your Wooden Hammer to spend Logs and Sticks on it.
  7. Four corner pieces will appear. Build each of these by hitting them with your Wooden Hammer.
  8. With your Wooden Hammer out, go to the middle portions of each wall and select a Wall, Window, or Door.
    • Note - A Building must have at least 1 Door.
  9. Hit each of the middle wall pieces with your Wooden Hammer until they're completed.
  10. Build the roof pieces by hitting them with your Wooden Hammer.
  11. Press B while inside the house to place Furniture. Note that you'll have to Craft or buy Furniture before you can place it.

We're all done with the Wild West Dynasty Building Guide, but there's still more to explore -- have a gander at our other guides below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Wild West Dynasty
Game Page Wild West Dynasty
Moon Punch Studio
Release Date
February 16, 2023 (Calendar)
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