Our Valheim Fader Boss Fight Guide will tell you how to find the Ashlands boss, how to unlock him, and how you can defeat this massive monster.
Where to Find the Fader Boss in Valheim
You can find Fader in the Ashlands Biome, the seventh biome in Valheim.
How to Unlock the Fader Boss in Valheim
Here's how to unlock Fader in Valheim:
- Defeat The Queen.
- Travel to the Ashlands Biome using a Drakkar and establish a base.
- Build a Siege Weapon to break into Charred Fortresses. Collect a total of 9 Bell Fragments. You will need to loot at least three Charred Fortresses (and likely more).
- While exploring Charred Fortresses, look for The Emerald Flame Vegvisir which will show you where Fader's arena is. These are located in the central tower of a Charred Fortress, but there is no guarantee that all Charred Fortresses will have them.
- Craft three Bell Fragments at a Black Forge.
- Travel to The Emerald Flame arena. Clear the surrounding area of any enemies.
- Place the Bells on the towers surrounding the central altar. When all three Bells are placed, you can interact with the Altar to summon Fader.
How to Prepare for the Valheim Fader Boss Fight
Here's the bad news: Fader has no real weaknesses. There's no real special strategy that you can use to win. That said, Fader is resistant to Piercing damage, so you should use a slashing or blunt weapon if you want to fight him in melee. That also means that any arrows are going to be half as effective as they should be.
When you have all 3 Bells, you'll want to head to The Emerald Flame arena. It's a good idea to build a small, sturdy base nearby (but not too close) so you can respawn if you die in the middle of the fight. Naturally, you'll also want the best armor and weapon that you can muster.
You'll also want to take the time to clear the area of any enemies. Fader's arena is fairly open and there are usually a few enemies hanging around there. You're going to have a hard enough time fighting Fader and you don't want to have to deal with any extra enemies on top of that.
Finally, you'll want to do what you can to stack up on fire resistance and healing potions where possible. Even a single hit from Fader can be devastating, so you should have some kind of way to recover quickly.
What is Fader's Weakness?
Unfortunately, Fader does not have any weaknesses that we know of. He is, however, totally immune to Fire and Spirit damage, and he has resistance to Piercing damage. That means using bows or spears is not an ideal choice as he'll take half damage from these weapons.
How to Summon Fader in Valheim
You can summon Fader by placing three Bells on the small towers surrounding his altar in The Emerald Flame arena. Each Bell is crafted at a Black Forge from 3 Bell Fragments; you can find Bell Fragments in the central tower of Charred Fortresses.
How to Beat the Valheim Fader Boss Solo
Defeating Fader solo is not going to be an easy task. This massive dragon is surprisingly nimble and can quickly tear you to shreds if you're not careful.
Fader has three attacks when in close range: a spinning attack, a paw swipe, and a bite attack. All of these can hit pretty damn hard if you don't block or parry them, so you'll want to do your best to avoid getting hit by these attacks.
That doesn't mean you'll be safe at range, mind. Fader has several deadly magical attacks, too:
- Summoning Meteors which land on the ground and explode into green flames
- Spikes that pop out of the ground and leave green flames on the ground
- A fire breath attack
- Summoning Charred Warriors and Charred Marksmen
If you're brave enough to fight Fader up close, you'll need to have pretty good dodge timing. Even a single hit can massively drain your health. If you do take a hit, you'll need to retreat and heal up.
You can instead choose to fight Fader at a distance. Although your arrows do half damage, you can use Stamina management and careful movement to try to avoid his attacks entirely. Keep in mind, however, that Fader can and will spawn Charred monsters to help him — you'll want to eliminate these adds as soon as possible to keep yourself from being overwhelmed.
How to Beat the Valheim Fader Boss in Multiplayer
As with most bosses, fighting Fader is a little easier in multiplayer. Spreading out your forces essentially allows you to have one character focus on avoiding attacks while the others focus on damage. Ultimately, though, you'll need to just whittle his health down as best as you can since Fader has no obvious vulnerabilities.w
What Are the Fader Boss Drops in Valheim?
Fader drops the Fader Relic, an item that won't have any real use until the next Valheim update arrives. Naturally, you'll also get his boss trophy.
What is Fader's Power in Valheim?
Fader's Power gives you +300 Carry Weight and +10% Movement Speed. That means that you'll have a maximum of 600 Carry Weight (or 750 with Megingjord equipped).
That's the end of our Valheim Fader Boss Fight Guide. Have a gander at our other guides below!