Treasure Adventure World is a game I first heard about earlier in 2018. I didn't get to experience it myself, but we reviewed the game not too long after its release and found it generally a pretty solid title. I read up a bit on the game prior to Play NYC and made a point of stopping by the developer's booth.
This game is a fairly standard hero's journey. Peep awakens on an island with no memory of how he got there. He eventually learns that he came to the region with his family in search of something that will grant a single wish if you have collected twelve legendary treasures. Peep makes his way through the world either on land or with his sailboat and accompanied by Whydah the parrot. Have a look at a trailer for Treasure Adventure World to get an idea for its gameplay:
Treasure Adventure World was by no means a bad game, but it may have lacked a certain punch—at least on release. The game's launch wasn't all that strong for one reason or another, and the lead designer Stephen Orlando had to face a grim reality. While Robit Games didn't go into debt to create this title, it wasn't likely to turn a profit. The first week of the Steam Summer Sale surpassed the game's launch and he believes it may do better in subsequent sales.
"We hope we can find an audience for [Treasure Adventure World]." —Stephen Orlando, Lead Designer at Robit GamesFor now, they're focusing on adding post-game content like new gameplay modes. German, Russian, and maybe French localizations are on the way, largely owing to the game's warm reception in those regions. Robit Games is also eyeing a console release - according to Mr. Orlando, some of his colleagues in the indie scene have reported as much as 10x better sales on the Switch and PlayStation 4 as compared to Steam.
The seas were a bit rough for Treasure Adventure World, but here's hoping that they'll be able to weather the storm. If you don't yet own the game, you can pick it up for PC on Steam, on GOG, or on the Humble Store for $9.99 or your regional equivalent.
Disclosure: GOG and Humble Bundle work with TechRaptor for affiliate partnership, and TechRaptor earns a small commission off purchases made from links in this article. In addition, GOG provides a monthly giveaway to our Pack Hunter members.
What do you think of Treasure Adventure World? Do you like to play this style of game on PC or would you prefer to play it on a console? Let us know in the comments below! Check out what else we saw at Play NYC by going to our Play NYC 2018 Coverage Hub.