Tiny Tina's Wonderlands

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Beginner's Guide

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Published: March 24, 2022 8:20 PM

Welcome to the fantastic world of Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, a look into Tiny Tina's favorite TTRPG Bunkers & Badasses. To fully explore the Wonderlands and dominate your B&B campaign, there are a number of things you can do early on in the game to give you a competitive edge. No need to worry though, our Tiny Tina's Wonderlands beginner's guide is here to help you take on the evils of Bunkers & Badasses!

Which Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Class Should I Pick?

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Class Selection

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands offers six available classes to choose from:

Think about your play style and how you want to engage with the goblins, skeletons, and other enemies that populate the wastelands. Classes like Spellshot focus more on ranged and elemental damage, or you can select Brr-zerker for a more in-your-face melee feel. No matter which class you select, you'll be able to further customize your character's skills and background for the exact build you're looking for.

Which Skills Should I Invest In?

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Skills

You can take a look at our individual Tiny Tina's Wonderlands class guides above and below to learn more about the specific recommendations for skillsets based on each class. The nice thing about this game is you're encouraged to min/max any which way you like. Want to devote everything to critical damage early on? The game isn't really going to punish you for that. Prefer to instead focus on elemental damage or defense? You're welcome to do that!

Think about what kind of a player you want to be – a glass cannon, a defensive tank, an elemental specialist, a crackshot sniper, a melee beast or something else entirely. There is really no wrong way to invest your skill points, so focus on the build that you'll have the most enjoyment playing. This same advice applies to the specific skill trees, which are also broken down in our Tiny Tina's Wonderlands classes guides.

The gear and weapons you collect can help compensate for some of the skills you might ignore in the early game, so your character can be fairly well balanced while you focus on maxing out a single skillset.

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Character Creation Guide

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Character Creation

One of the first things you'll do after you select your class is customize your character. This customization screen allows you to select body type, facial shape, hair styles, skin color, vocal range, and pronouns.

If you're anything like me, it can be easy to get hung up on a character creator for hours. Thankfully, once you get past the initial tutorial and arrive in the city of Brighthoof, you'll be able to visit Izzy's Frizzies and re-customize your character any which way you like. This takes some of the pressure off knowing you'll be able to change your choice later, and not be stuck with a character you don't love for the duration of the campaign.

What Do the Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Backgrounds Mean?

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Backgrounds

During the Tiny Tina's Wonderlands character creation process, you'll select a background for your character in addition to their class. The available backgrounds are:

  • Village Idiot
  • Raised By Elves
  • Failed Monk
  • Recovering Inventory Hoarder
  • Rogue Alchemist

The biggest thing each background determines is your starting set of stats and how many skill points you can commit to each stat. This will take a bit of thought upfront, and you can also check out our Tiny Tina's Wonderlands class guides to see which backgrounds can best serve each class. Remember that your background and stats are just partial pieces of the whole equation, and the gear and weapons you pick up along the way can help fill any deficiencies you think your hero might have.

Can I Upgrade My Bag or Ammo Capacity in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands?

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Inventory

Yes! Like any RPG worth its weight in gold or other tradable items, there's a robust upgrade system in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands.

Once you arrive in Brighthoof, you can visit the Blacksmith and pay gold to upgrade your bag capacity, ammo capacity, and other storage. The first few upgrades are fairly affordable, but expect to commit to the grind if you'd like to max everything out, as these upgrade costs quickly inflate into the tens of thousands. I recommend focusing on bag space first, but when those costs become a little too high start upgrading the ammo reserves for your go-to weapons. You'll be able to store unneeded weapons and gear in your bank, and this bank is accessible across any other classes you create, allowing you to jumpstart your next character with some impressive firepower.

Take Advantage of the Death Save Mechanic for a Last-Ditch Effort

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands gives you a second chance when you're about to succumb to enemies. Instead of outright dying, the screen will turn gray and a status bar will appear on screen, slowly depleting until your hero dies altogether. To keep going, you must perform a Death Save by killing any nearby enemy. Sometimes this is easier said than done when there are only powerful enemies left, so try to keep one or two weaker grunts alive during the large battles to quickly get back on your feet when you're knocked down.

Which Items to Keep or Junk in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands

In true Table Top RPG fashion, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands offers a massive inventory of weapons and gear, each one decked out with its own set of percentage buffs and perks. As you expand your inventory space, you'll have more room to keep a larger variety of weapons, so focus on a few different builds that you'll want to access throughout the game.

You can easily sort weapons by rarity, as well as compare items side by side to see which one is better. If you don't want to get into the nitty gritty of gear comparisons, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands offers an easy-to-read Item Score on the bottom left of each item in your inventory (top right if you're focusing on the larger item card). The higher the score, the more powerful or effective that gear will be.

Don't stress about trying to pick up every single item in the game. A selection of items you don't pick up will be available near your item bank in Izzy's Fizzies, making it easy to collect lost loot. From there you can equip gear, store it, or sell it at any of the vending machines that are in Brighthoof or out in the world.

And to make sure you don't sell an item you want to keep, you can mark it as a favorite so the game won't allow you to sell it. Likewise, you can mark any item you wish as junk, and quickly sell all of your junk items at once for some extra gold. Gear is also color coded by rarity, so it's easy to pick out the higher-level Wards and weapons you may want to hang onto. If you do sell an item and regret it, you're able to buy it back from any of the vending machines, so no need to stress about it.

What do the Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Lucky Dice Do?

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Lucky Dice

Among the Tiny Tina's Wonderlands collectibles is Lucky Dice. Each area of the game has a set amount of these golden D&D (er, B&B) die. The more you find, the more your loot luck will increase, increasing the probability of better loot as you battle through Bunkers & Badasses. If you have a group of friends who play and want some help collecting all the Lucky Dice in the game, you can easily turn this scavenger hunt into a fun and efficient co-op mission.

When one player finds a die it counts for all players, so you can split up and search different areas of the map to ensure no stone is left unturned.

How Does Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Online Co-Op Work?

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands co-op is one of the most fun elements of this game. It's fine exploring the Wonderlands alone, but throw a friend (or more) into the mix and enjoy what it's like to play a B&B tabletop experience with your friends. In our preliminary testing, it appears the co-op modes are peer-to-peer without any dedicated servers, but that could be subject to change with a future update. The game did crash on me once, but otherwise the online co-op was a flawless experience once the other person accepted my friend request through the Epic Games store. Then it was just a matter of entering into the Tiny Tina's Wonderlands main menu, navigating to the Social tab, and selecting their name to invite to your game. Any mission objectives or collectibles like Luck Dice or Marbles get equally attributed to every player, but picking up gear like weapons or gold will only go to the person who found it, depending on the game mode you select in the beginning, so some cooperation and trust is required to make the most of Tiny Tina's Wonderlands.

Ready to travel into the Wonderlands and discover what Tiny Tina has in store for you? Check out our other Tiny Tina's Wonderlands guides below and learn everything you need to know to conquer her Bunkers & Badasses campaign.

Me holding a Nintendo Switch next to a Reggie Fils-Aime poster
| Staff Writer

Dan is a Boston-based writer who has been with TechRaptor since the end of 2020. He has been working in the online writing, editing and SEO space for nearly… More about Dan

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Tiny Tina's Wonderlands
Gearbox Software
Release Date
March 25, 2022 (Calendar)