Terraformers Blue Path Guide - cover

Terraformers Blue Path Guide

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Published: April 21, 2022 1:51 PM

This Terraformers Blue Path Scenario will give you tips on fully Terraforming Mars in one of the most challenging missions in this colony sim and city builder.

What is the Terraformers Blue Path Scenario?

The Terraformers Blue Path Scenario is arguably the most difficult Scenario in the game at its Early Access launch. It's so difficult that I've yet to beat it, even on its easiest difficulty. I strongly recommend that you beat the other Scenarios first and max out your account level before you even attempt this one.

Terraformers Blue Path Scenario Objectives

Completely Terraform Mars into a livable world by increasing all four Terraforming Parameters.

  • Mastery Level 0 - N/A
  • Mastery Level 1 - N.A
  • Mastery Level 3 - Raise all 4 Terraforming Parameters to Level 3, High Expectations
  • Mastery Level 6 - ?

Terraformers Blue Path Guide - slice

How to Beat the Terraformers Blue Path Scenario

Beating the Terraformers Blue Path Scenario will require a strong understanding and mastery of the game's mechanics -- and a little luck, too. Unsurprisingly, completely Terraforming a planet is not an easy thing for anyone to do.

First and foremost, note that the easiest version of this Scenario begins at High Expectations. Having a good system for building up Support is critical to success. You're going to want to combo Buildings by placing them next to each other and get every advantage you can for Support.

Secondly, there's the Terraforming. There are multiple vehicles to increasing Heat, Oxygen, and Atmosphere between Buildings, Bacteria, Plants, and Leader Skills -- ensure that you have a steady income as early as possible because it's not easy to get a big boost for any of these categories, barring the use of a few rare Space Projects.

Raising the Oceans is the most difficult part here because it introduces two unique problems. First, certain parts of Mars will become flooded and those expansions will be rendered uninhabitable on account of, you know, being underwater. It is therefore critical that you do your best to avoid building on locations that will be submerged as much as you possibly can; otherwise, you're going to be wasting work.

The second issue with Oceans is this: the only consistent way to increase this Terraforming stat is through the use of Space Projects. That means you're going to need robust Resource production and as many Trade Routes as you can get.

It should be a genuine surprise if you manage to beat the Terraformers Blue Path Scenario the first time around. You will probably fail (and more than once at that). The best thing you can do is to try and figure out how you could improve your strategy based on what went wrong and adjust for the next playthrough. And, of course, you'll need your luck to hold out, too.

If you've managed to beat the Terraformers Blue Path Scenario, you have my congratulations -- you've just tackled what is, in my estimation, the toughest Scenario in the game for its Early Access launch. Now it's time to move on to the Per Aspera Ad Astra Scenario!

I hope our Terraformers Blue Path Guide was helpful -- this is easily one of the most difficult Scenarios in the game! Have a gander at our guides below so you can learn about the other Scenarios, too!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Terraformers
Game Page Terraformers
Asteroid Lab
Goblinz Publishing
Release Date
April 21, 2022 (Calendar)
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