Tchia is host to several ways for you to interact with its world and inhabitants, but the Ukulele is hands-down one of the most interesting ones. In addition to serving as the focal point for the game's music-based minigames, it also allows you to play songs which can change the world around you by altering the time of day, summoning new items or creatures into the world, and otherwise ensuring you're never limited in how you can play the game. It can be a lot to get a grasp on early on though, which is why we've constructed this Tchia Ukulele guide to help you master the mechanics sooner rather than later.
Tip: We've got guides for all of the collectibles in Tchia, as well as Maano Camps, and how to get all of the cosmetics for 100% completion. If you're curious if the game is something you'll enjoy, check out our Tchia Review!
How to Get & Use the Ukulele in Tchia
A little ways into Tchia, you'll receive the Ukulele as a gift from a main character.
You'll also be introduced to a segment which will walk you through how to use the Ukulele in music minigames. This basically boils down to moving your target reticle over a space as an incoming music note lines up with it, and then clicking the mouse or pressing a button on your controller once they're perfectly aligned. The completion requirements for these minigames aren't super strict though, and you'll be given the option to skip them if you'd rather not play through them.
What you won't want to skip out on is using the Ukulele in the open world. This can be done by pressing right on the D-Pad, which will bring up the Ukulele along with a list of all the songs you currently have access to. Every known song will be four notes in length, and will trigger an effect when played correctly. Doing so is as simple as moving the cursor toward a specific music note, pressing the X button to play the note, and then repeating the process with the remaining notes in the song.
Do be warned, however, that you won't be able to trigger song's effects again immediately after playing it once. Every song has a cooldown period, with the ones that activate better effects taking longer to cool down than the rest.

How to Get Every Ukulele Song & Their Effects
With all of that said, you will need to do some leg work in order to unlock every Ukulele song in Tchia.
A decent number can be obtained by completing the Rock Balancing challenges scattered throughout the world. These are denoted by the icons showing precarious towers of rocks, and can be marked down on your map by finding the Points of View denoted by small purple icons on the map. The rest can only be obtained by reaching a certain point in the main story. None of them are required to complete the game or its side tasks, but they do make traversal and the completion of certain tasks exceptionally easier.
We've listed all of them down below, along with an explanation of how to play them, how they're unlocked and what their effects are.
Time: Dawn
- Changes the time of day to Dawn, and provides a large amount of time before sunset
- Unlocked by progressing main story past the first chapter
- Activated by playing the notes CAFE in order
Time: Noon
- Changes the time of day to noon, and provides a moderate amount of time before sunset
- Unlocked by progressing the main story past the first chapter
- Activated by playing the notes DAEE in order
Time: Dusk
- Changes the time of day to evening, and provides a minimal amount of time before sunset
- Unlocked by progressing the main story past the first chapter
- Activated by playing the notes AGED in order
Time: Midnight
- Changes the time of day to midnight, and provides absolute darkness immediately
- Unlocked by progressing the main story past the first chapter
- Activated by playing the notes BEED in order
Start/Stop Rain
- Can start or stop the rain, increasing or decreasing the spawn rate of animals accordingly
- Unlocked by completing a Rock Balancing Challenge
- Activated by playing the notes FADE in order
Sprout Bouncy Plant
- Causes a bouncy plant to spawn in front of Tchia, and can launch her a decent distance once she jumps on it
- Unlocked by completing a Rock Balancing challenge
- Activated by playing the notes CBDG in order
Sprout Explosive Fruit
- Spawns an Explosive Fruit plant which you can harvest for an explosive item. It can be used immediately or stowed in Tchia's backpack for later use
- Unlocked by progressing the main story past the halfway mark
- Activated by playing the notes BEEF in order
Infinite Breath Bubble
- Forms a bubble around Tchia's head which will keep her from consuming stamina for an extended period of time.
- Unlocked by completing a Rock Balancing challenge
- Activated by playing the notes BABA in order
Attract Animals
- Causes any animals Within a certain area of Tchia to come directly to her and stay by her until the effect wears off.
- Unlocked by completing a Rock Balancing challenge
- Activated by playing the notes FEED in order
Invoke Dog
- Spawns a dog next to Tchia. If Attract Animals has not been activated, it is likely to run away immediately
- Unlocked by completing a Rock Balancing challenge
- Activated by playing the notes DAAG in order
Invoke Crab
- Spawns a crab at Tchia's feet. If Attract Animals is not activated, it will start to scuttle toward the nearest body of water
- Unlocked by completing a Rock Balancing Challenge
- Activated by playing the notes CAAB in order
Invoke Bird
- Spawns a bird at Tchia's feet. If Attract Animals isn't active, it will almost always fly away immediately
- Unlocked by completing a Rock Balancing challenge
- Activated by playing BAAD in order
Invoke Mwaken
- Spawns a Mwaken next to Tchia. Will not move until it is Soul Possessed, and will vanish as soon as Tchia returns to her normal form
- Unlocked by progressing the main story to its halfway point
- Activated by playing the notes FACE in order
Invoke Xetiwa
- Summons a Xetiwa next to Tchia. Will not fly away or move until Tchia hits it with Soul Possession, and will vanish after she returns to her normal form
- Unlocked by progressing the main story to the final chapter
- Activated by playing the notes ACED in order
Hopefully this Tchia Ukulele guide helped you get a better grasp on the mechanic and how best to use it. For more on the game, be sure to take a look at some of our other guides and articles down below.