Surviving the Abyss Volcanic Biome Guide - cover

Surviving the Abyss Volcanic Biome Guide

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Published: January 17, 2023 11:24 AM

Our Surviving the Abyss Volcanic Biome Guide will detail the Aquatic Life and resources in one of the game's most challenging Biomes.

What is the Volcanic Biome in Surviving the Abyss?

Let's start with the bad news: the Surviving the Abyss Volcanic Biome is an absolutely terrible location for an Outpost. It is, in many respects, the exact opposite of the relatively tranquil Seagrass Dunes when you started your adventure.

The only resources available are Coal and Oil, and they're both pretty rare. It would be nigh-suicidal to attempt to establish a larger Outpost in this location until you manage to find a spawn point for either of these resources. But that's it -- there is no Steel, Iron, Quartz, or any other resources required for Building. You're going to have to import pretty much everything if you want to expand your Outpost in this location.

Basically, the Volcanic Biome is a big pain in the butt. Naturally, there's a good reason to spend some time here -- it unequivocally has the best Aquatic Life if you're looking to Clone either Engineers or Scientists. Three Chimaera will let you make an Engineer with 0% Mutations and three Frilled Sharks will let you make a Scientist with 0% Mutations. There are even decent options for making Generalist Clones, too.

Unfortunately, the high value of the Aquatic Life in this Biome also means that you'll have an additional logistics problem -- it'd be downright silly to use any of these Habitats for High-Quality Food production. That means you'll probably want to import these resources from other bases, too.

Surviving the Abyss Volcanic Biome Guide - Aquatic Life & Resources

Surviving the Abyss Volcanic Biome Aquatic Life

  • Nautilus (Scientist 21%, -1 Uses, 3% Mutation Chance)
  • Atlantic Torpedo Ray (Scientist 8%, 1 Uses, -1% Mutation Chance)
  • Pelagic Armourhead (Generalist 23%, 1 Uses, -5% Mutation Chance)
  • Pelican Eel (Scientist 28%, 0 Uses, 0% Mutation Chance)
  • Giant Devil Ray (Engineer 28%, 0 Uses, 0% Mutation Chance)
  • Chimaera (Engineer 38%, 1 Uses, -10% Mutation Chance)
  • Frilled Shark (Scientist 38%, 1 Uses, -10% Mutation Chance)

Surviving the Abyss Volcanic Biome Resources

  • Coal (Rare)
  • Oil (Rare)

Thanks for reading our Surviving the Abyss Volcanic Biome Guide. While you're here, why not check out some of our other guides below?

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Surviving the Abyss
Paradox Arc
Release Date
January 17, 2023 (Calendar)
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