Surviving the Abyss Kelp Forest Biome Guide - cover

Surviving the Abyss Kelp Forest Biome Guide

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Published: January 17, 2023 11:24 AM

This Surviving the Abyss Kelp Forest Biome Guide details the Aquatic Life and Resources that you can find for one of your first expansion Outposts.

What is the Kelp Forest Biome in Surviving the Abyss?

The Surviving the Abyss Kelp Forest Biome is one of the two Biomes nearest to the Seagrass Dunes, the starting location of the game. This makes it an ideal location for one of your first Outposts once you're ready to expand beyond your initial base.

Much like the Coral Reef Biome, the Kelp Forest is a good opportunity for Cloning some Generalist Crew that are free of Mutations -- as long as you use the right combination of Aquatic Life. This Biome is also the first likely location where you'll encounter Aquatic Life that will allow you to Clone your first Engineer Crew.

Sadly, it might be a little difficult to secure enough resources where you can justify building a large base. Your best bet will be to focus on securing the genetic material you need in order to make Generalist Crew that don't die within 2 months; keep your Outpost fairly minimal and focus on using your new (and hopefully long-living) Crew to populate your main base and your other Outposts. At best, you may be able to export some useful resources back home.

Surviving the Abyss Kelp Forest Biome Guide - Aquatic Life & Resources

Surviving the Abyss Kelp Forest Biome Aquatic Life

  • King Dory (Generalist 13%, 1 Uses, -1% Mutation Chance)
  • Giant Hatchetfish (Generalist 8%, 1 Uses, -5% Mutation Chance)
  • Unicorn Crestfish (Generalist 18%, 1 Uses, -3% Mutation Chance)
  • Great White Shark (Generalist 13%, 0 Uses, -10% Mutation Chance)
  • Leatherback Turtle (Engineer 14%, 0 Uses, 20% Mutation Chance)
  • Oceanic Sunfish (Generalist 8%, 1 Uses, -15% Mutation Chance)

Surviving the Abyss Kelp Forest Biome Resources

  • Concrete (Rare)
  • Coal (Rare)
  • Aluminum (Rare)
  • Iron (Rare)
  • Steel (Rare)

That's the end of our Surviving the Abyss Kelp Forest Biome Guide. Check out our other guides below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Surviving the Abyss
Paradox Arc
Release Date
January 17, 2023 (Calendar)
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