Surviving the Abyss Emergent Events Guide - cover

Surviving the Abyss Emergent Events Guide

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Published: January 17, 2023 11:24 AM

This guide will break down the Surviving the Abyss Emergent Events we've discovered and explain what each of the choices will get you.

How Surviving the Abyss Emergent Events Work

Surviving the Abyss Emergent Events are decisions that you'll have to make at random intervals throughout the game, usually centered on a specific Building in your base.

In some cases, there are "good" choices that will gain you a benefit in exchange for some resources or other penalty. In some cases, however, there are no good choices -- there are just bad choices and you'll have to select from the least-worst penalty.

Surviving the Abyss Emergent Events Guide - Coal Event
Emergent Events are usually worth it, but there's a chance they can fail -- and sometimes, there aren't many good options at all.

Surviving the Abyss Emergent Events List

Here is a list of all of the Surviving the Abyss Emergent Events that we've encountered in the pre-release Early Access version of the game.

Birthday Party

A message comes in stating that someone is having a birthday party and requesting Food for that party.

  • Of course, take as much Food as you need.
    • Result - 
  • Take half of the amount required.
    • Result - Food -10, Crew Relations +0
  • No, we can't afford it.
    • Result - Crew Relations -5

If you can spare the Food, take the "Of course, take as much Food as you need," option. Food is much easier to regain compared to Crew Relations in most situations.

Coal Vein

The Coal Extractor team discovers an unusually hard Coal vein. You have two choices:

  • Allow the Crew to assess the Coal Vein.
    • Result - Gain Coal, -1 Crew, +30 Research Data Points
  • Try to extract the vein.
    • Result - Gain Coal, Coal Extractor damaged.

Either choice will result in some negative consequences, but you'll gain Coal with both choices. It's preferable not to lose any Crew, though, especially since you can easily gain Research Points otherwise.

Copper For Your Thoughts

A researcher states that they can improve Power production with enough of the correct resource. Using Iron will get you a small benefit and using Copper will get you a larger benefit.

Critical Malfunction

A message comes in that a Building has suffered a malfunction.

  • Continue
    • Result - Building Damaged

The Building will be damaged after this Emergent Event takes place. You'll have to click the Repair button in order to get the Building working again.

Buildings that are not 100% staffed (including Scientists and Engineers) are vulnerable to Critical Malfunctions. Ensure that all Buildings have all of their Crew Assignment slots filled to prevent this Emergent Event from happening.

Something Moving Above the Facility

A message comes in warning that something "unusually large" is moving above the building.

  • Continue
    • Result - Unlocks UV-C Light Research, activates attacks from the Anomaly.

Once this Emergent Event happens, you'll be vulnerable to attacks from the Anomaly. You'll need to Research UV-C Light and turn it on to repel future attacks.

Stomach Virus

A message comes in stating that some of the Crew has a Stomach Virus and are unable to work.

  • Continue
    • Result - N/A

This Emergent Event appears to be broken in the pre-release Early Access version of the game. However, it can be inferred from the description that the intended result is for some of your Crew to get sick, requiring you to Research and Build a Hospital in order to cure them. That will be the likely solution when this Emergent Event is properly implemented.

That's the end of our Surviving the Abyss Emergent Events Guide. Make sure to take a peek at our other guides, too!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Surviving the Abyss
Paradox Arc
Release Date
January 17, 2023 (Calendar)
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