Snake Region tribal mural.

Survival: Fountain of Youth Snake Region Walkthrough

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Published: May 21, 2024 10:14 AM

The last tribal region unlocked in Survival: Fountain of Youth is the Snake Region. It has the single silver deposit, is the only area where you find sulfur, and is the hardest place to actually explore without dying. The three islands all have their own dangers, but the secrets they hide bring you closer to uncovering the truth about the Fountain of Youth.

Sulfur Island

The first stop in Snake Region is Sulfur Island. This is the engineer and doctor's last known whereabouts. However, you want to be prepared before sailing here. Sulfur is in the air and it inflicts damage on you as long as you're in the cloud. You can contract malaria while in the swamps. At the very least, you have to craft the Herbal Mask. This allows you to breath without taking damage. The upgrade, Anti-Malaria Costume, makes you immune to the disease along with the negating the sulfur damage. 

There are two main areas you have to stop at for the story. After landing on a beach, you'll need to make your way through the mangrove. Caiman's are prevalent here and they move faster than expected. Thankfully, the water is shallow in this section. There are a couple dead ends, but they have a potion or resource so not a waste of time to explore them. The best route is landing at the more northern opening of the mangrove and taking rightmost paths. 

Sulfur Island story map locations.

When you exit the tree line you'll be right in front of a small cluster of buildings. A few notes from the doctor and engineer are here which detail that the engineer went to Silver Island. The doctor is in the sulfur field collecting the resource and sleeping in a watchtower. You'll find a camp not far off to the west towards the sulfur field where the killer was attacked by crocodiles. 

Making your way through the swamp, keep an eye out for caimans. They hide very well in the deeper waters and launch themselves at you, similar to real life. If you have tier 3 of the Concentration skill, you'll be able to see them outlined in red before they ambush you. At the base of the trail up to the field is a jaguar. You'll also get attacked by Condors as soon as a corpse is made. Like the harpy, these birds dive bomb from the sky, but do it for food instead of defending a nest. 

At the top of the trail you'll see a pipe leading into the next area of the island. This whole location is covered in sulfur gas, represented on the map by the green circled area, so ensure you equip the Herbal Mask. You'll be able to see the Watchtower in the field, and can head directly there. You'll find the doctor at the base of the camp, drowned in a toxic pond. The engineer is the only sailor left alive, as far as you know. 

Silver Island

Silver Island in the Snake Region takes the most time to investigate, but is the last location of the engineer. You'll also need the silver to create more advanced weaponry. There's a single silver deposit and it requires an explosive pot and crossing multiple bridges to reach. Depending on where you land will dictate how you explore the island, but you want to place ceramic pots in specific niches to create shortcuts across the area. 

Silver Island is where you find the shipwreck of Da Vinci's Ark, a large ship with a winch installed. Using the ship bay as the starting location, the below route on the map is  how you should travel across the landmass. A lot of the paths are hidden on ridges, so remain on the lookout for any sloping surface along the route. 

Silver Island path to the silver mine in the Snake Region.

When you find the silver deposit, you'll also find the body of the engineer along the east area. He ended up seeing where the killer headed and struck him a blow, which plays in your favor. Finding his diary entry unlocks the Bimini Belt Region, the last region of the game. Using supplies found around the mine, finish building the bridge that connects the sailor's camp to the mine. This drastically reduces travel time. 

You also want to use an explosive pot at the top of the ridge on the opposite side, between the unlit lamp bowl and yellow leaf. There's a white jackal that guards this area directly across the first bridge you travel. Now you'll have two quick entry points for the mine. 

Silver Island is also the home of the Great Serpent, the second optional boss in Survival: Fountain of Youth. It's location is marked at the star, which is found through a cave passageway. The boss is what the natives of the Snake Region worshipped, as evidenced by its lair.

Snake Region's Shaman on Crocodile Island

While Crocodile Island isn't directly related to the story, it houses the last remaining member of the four tribes. To understand him, you have to find the Plate with Natives Symbols. The shamans home is circled, with the three keys necessary to get the plate starred on the map below. At the blue key location you'll also find the Hunters Sandals recipe.

Crocodile Island Snake Shaman plate of Natives' symbols map locations.

The diamond is the key mechanism location, which you reach by crossing a bridge. The skeleton in front of it holds a skill book. Activating the mechanism raises the water level in the small section. Swim to the top of the water to a ladder that leads to a lit brazier on the landing. Inside the small cave is a chronicle and the language plate. You'll also find the Natives' Diving Mask, which increases your air supply when diving times four. This is a must wear when looking for sea resources or treasure chests.

Speaking with the shaman is important as he is the only way to unlock the Stormbreaker, which is the Natives' Path through the Bimini Belt. He also teaches you how to make a poison from the blue frogs found in the Snake Region at night. The frog when dried creates a paralyzing powder, which is used to craft Paralyzing Arrows. 

Snake Tribe Shaman

That's all there is to know about the Snake Region for the main story of Survival: Fountain of Youth. For more help on getting to the Bimini Belt region, or finding resources, check out our other Survival: Fountain of Youth guides. 

Ashley in pink with a giant lollipop.
| Staff Writer / Contributor

Ashley Erickson is an experienced writer focusing on the video games industry since 2013. Starting off with cosplay features, she moved to game guides and… More about Ashley

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Odinsoft Inc.
Odinsoft Inc.
Release Date
April 19, 2023 (Calendar)
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