Survival: Fountain of Youth Recipe Locations Map Guide - Cover Image Recipe Next to a Tent

Survival: Fountain of Youth Recipe Locations Map Guide

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Published: May 24, 2024 3:14 PM

In this guide, we'll detail every single Survival: Fountain of Youth Recipe that we've found so far and tell you exactly how they work!

Quicklinks: How Recipes Work | Bird Region Recipe Locations | Buffalo Region Recipe Locations
Puma Region Recipe Locations Snake Region Recipe Locations
Bimini Belt Recipe Locations

Whether you're Crafting, Cooking, or making Medicine, you'll have no shortage of new things to discover in Survival: Fountain of Youth. You'll learn the vast majority of Blueprints simply by finding the necessary items once, and the game helpfully tells you exactly what you need. In a few rare cases, however, you'll need to locate a unique Recipe somewhere in the world. We've got the locations -- read on to find out where they are!

How Survival: Fountain of Youth Recipes Work

Survival: Fountain of Youth Recipes are easy enough to understand. All you have to do is find the Recipe and interact with it. Once you do, the Recipe will automatically grant you a brand-new Blueprint. Understandably, the rarity of these Recipes (and the difficulty in finding them) means that they tend to give you access to a pretty powerful Blueprint.

Mind, Recipes are not only used for Cooking -- you can also find Recipes for Crafting items (such as the Portable Beacon) or Medicine. It's well worth finding them if you can spare a little bit of time for exploration!

Survival: Fountain of Youth Recipe Locations - Bird Region

Here are all of the Survival: Fountain of Youth Recipe locations in the Bird Region.

Island of Hope Recipe Locations

Survival: Fountain of Youth Recipe Locations Map Guide - Island of Hope Top
Survival: Fountain of Youth Recipe Locations Map Guide - Island of Hope Bottom

  1. Algae Ointment Recipe - Located in the middle of a swamp.
  2. Berry Compote Recipe - Located on the ground.
  3. Portable Beacon Recipe - Located near a skeleton.

Lonely Rock Recipe Locations

There are no Recipes located in Lonely Rock.

Sunken Ship Recipe Locations

There are no Recipes located in the Sunken Ship.

Survival: Fountain of Youth Recipe Locations - Buffalo Region

Here are all of the Survival: Fountain of Youth Recipe locations in the Buffalo Region.

Red Island Recipe Locations

Survival: Fountain of Youth Recipe Locations Map Guide - Red Island Map

  1. Anteater Stew Recipe - Located down a ladder and in an underground cave slightly west of the center of Red Island.
  2. Tegu Skin Flask Recipe - On the roof of a temple on the small island south of Red Island.

Windy Island Recipe Locations

Survival: Fountain of Youth Recipe Locations Map Guide - Windy Island Map

  1. Fresh-Soup Recipe - When you reach the glowing blue tree in the tunnel, turn right and face the brazier. You'll find a small opening in the wall that you can crawl under to find this Recipe.

Santa Maria Recipe Locations

There are no Recipes on the Santa Maria as far as we know.

Copper Island Recipe Locations

There are no Recipes on Copper Island.

Survival: Fountain of Youth Recipe Locations - Puma Region

Here are all of the Survival: Fountain of Youth Recipe locations in the Puma Region.

Underwater Temple Recipe Locations 

There are no Recipes in the Underwater Temple. 

Iron Island Recipe Locations

Recipe locations on Iron Island in the Puma Region.
  1. Steel Flint Blueprint - In the volcano village on the right side before the ladder, hidden in a nook. 
  2. Native's Diving Mask Blueprint - At the base of the tree with bones hanging from it. 

Foggy Island Recipe Locations

Recipe map location on Foggy Island.
  1. Seaman's Dagger Blueprint - On the deck of the wrecked ship. You may have to swim to get onto the boat, initially. 

Craggy Island Recipe Locations

There are no recipes on Craggy Island that we know of.

Survival: Fountain of Youth Recipe Locations - Snake Region

Here are all of the Survival: Fountain of Youth Recipe locations in the Snake Region. This is the only region you'll find the Hunter Set blueprints, which are needed for an achievement.

Sulfur Island Recipe Locations

Sulfur Island recipe location.
  1. Hunter Jacket Blueprint - Found in a stone ruin. 

Silver Island Recipe Locations

Recipe map locations on Silver Island.
  1. Hunter Hat Blueprint - In the Flax field at the base of the giant Head Statue.
  2. Hunter Pants Blueprint - In the ruined buildings near the Chronicle, in the area before the Great Snake lair.
  3. Pinole Recipe - At the beginning of the broken/repaired Engineer's bridge near the silver mine. 

Crocodile Island Recipe Locations

Map locations for Crocodile Island recipes.
  1. Hunter Sandals Blueprint - On the stone to the right of the Blue Key stand. 

Survival: Fountain of Youth Recipe Locations - Bimini Belt Region

Here are all of the Survival: Fountain of Youth Recipe locations in the Bimini Belt Region.

Bimini Belt Recipe Locations

There are no recipes that we know of in the Bimini Belt. 

Bimini Island Recipe Locations

Recipe map location on Bimini Island.
  1. Stone Skin Potion Recipe - Found at the Gold deposit.

We're all done with the Survival: Fountain of Youth Recipe Locations Map Guide. Check out our other guides below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Survival: Fountain Of Youth
Odinsoft Inc.
Odinsoft Inc.
Release Date
April 19, 2023 (Calendar)
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