Bumble The Abominable Fight

Soustone Survivors Bumble The Abominable Achievement Guide

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Published: January 22, 2023 2:14 PM

The Winterfall Update for Soulstone Survivors dropped in December of 2022, and added new weapons as well as a Secret Lair for Bumble The Abominable, a secret boss that's not only tough to defeat but also tough to find! This Soulstone Survivors Bumble Achievement guide will give you the details on how to find his lair, and what the 3 hidden achievements are!

Quicklinks: Achievement List | Unlock Bumble's Lair | Bumble Fight Tips

Hidden Achievements for Bumble The Abominable

There are 3 different achievements you'll be able to unlock, and all 3 can be unlocked at once if your character(s) are strong enough. The 3 hidden Bumble achievements are:

  • Bumble, The Abominable - Easy
    • Eliminate Bumble, The Abominable (any difficulty/curse level)
  • Bumble, The Abominable - Medium
    • Eliminate Bumble, The Abominable with at least 25 curse intensity (Tier IV)
  • Bumble, The Abominable - Hard
    • Eliminate Bumble, The Abominable with at least 34 curse intensity (Tier V)

How to Unlock Bumble’s Lair

Being a hidden lair, Bumble's lair isn't particularly easy to find - and you're going to have to follow some very specific steps to unlock his lair. First off - you'll need to start a match on The Frozen Wastelands Map, either with curses on (easy), or Curse Intensity 25 or 34 if you're going to get all 3. You can unlock all 3 at once by defeating Bumble at 34 Cuse Intensity.

Boss Order Bumble Lair
General circle locations of each on the map & their order

Bumble's lair is unlocked by defeating Lords of the Void in the corresponding circle color as they will drop. In order, that means:

  • First Lord - Red Circle
  • Second Lord - Blue Circle
  • Third Lord - Orange Circle
  • Fourth Lord - Green Circle
  • Fifth Lord - Purple Circle

You only need to defeat ONE Void Lord while THEY are in the circle, and once you've "completed" a circle, the symbols inside will glow the correct color. If you miss a circle, you'll have to start over! Once you've completed all five circles, and defeated the remaining Void Lords - a green portal may (not guaranteed post-event) appear below the red circle.

Image of The Paladin Fighting Bumble The Abominable In The Game Soulstone Survivors

Soulstone Survivors Bumble - Boss Fight

Defeating Bumble The Abominable is not easy, especially if you're going for the hard achievement. Bumble's Lair is not particularly large, and throughout the fight he'll spawn additional enemies and his skills can burn you down pretty quickly. A few tips on how to beat Bumble The Abominable:

  • You're going to want either decent movement speed, or 3 or more dashes if possible.You're going to want to be moving and dodging non-stop.
  • The snowflakes do damage if they hit you, so be constantly dodging them.
  • There's always a safe spot in the outside edge or middle when Bumble does his AoE attacks.
  • The Paladin is pretty decent for this fight for 3 reasons; extra health, extra armor, and "Exorcism" will heal you a little bit.
  • Highly recommend damage over time abilities, and at least a few ranged attacks - getting close is a quick way to die.
  • He's got a ton of health (especially on hard, as seen above), so be ready for a pretty long fight!

Once you've defeated Bumble the Abominable, you'll unlock (up to) 3 achievements depending on what Curse Intensity you chose! If you completed it on Hard, and haven't beaten The Frozen Wastelands on Curse Level V - you'll also unlock The Death Knight character!

Rutledge Daugette
| CEO and Founder

Rutledge Daugette is the Guides Editor & Founder of TechRaptor. Rutledge's degree in Game Programming ultimately led him to found the site in 2013, with… More about Rutledge

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Release Date
November 7, 2022 (Calendar)
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