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Smalland Crafting and Unlocks Guide

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Published: April 2, 2023 11:33 AM

A lot of your time in Smalland will be spend exploring and fighting new creatures. However, many of the materials you find don't have much of a use on their own. In our Smalland Crafting and Unlocks Guide, we'll go over how to turn these crafting materials into something more useful.

Quicklinks: How Smalland Crafting WorksHow to Unlock New Crafting Recipes
Smalland Crafting Materials List

How Smalland Crafting Works

Crafting in Smalland is done either via the Crafting tab in the character menu, or via various buildings. To craft items, you need to have the correct items in your inventory, then select the recipe you wish to craft. Recipes you have unlocked can be viewed via the Codex tab in the character menu.

How to Unlock New Crafting Recipes in Smalland

Crafting Recipe unlocks are either tied to placing down new buildings, or obtaining certain materials. When a new recipe is unlocked, a pop-up will appear at the top left part of the screen. For shared materials like Refined Wood or Stone, you'll unlock a bunch of recipes at the same time, while others only unlock 1 or two things.

Buildings can be split into a few main categories:

  • Weapon and Tool Creation - The Workbench, Stonecutter, and Forge are mainly used to make new tools or weapons from different tiers of materials.
  • Material Refining - The Tannery, Loom & Spindle, Windmill, and Furnace all turn materials into new things that can then be used for Weapons, Tools, and Armor.
  • Cooking - The Campfire, Cauldron, and Stone Oven all make progressively better meals to stave off hunger and apply different buffs.

You can also make an Apothecary Table, which unlocks various handy potions to restore health or increases resistances.

Smalland Crafting and Unlocks Guide - Chopping Tall Plant

Smalland Crafting Materials List

 Material  Stack Size  How to Get
Bark 30 Usually at Beaches or the western woods
Blackberry 30 On ground in groups
Bones 30 Geckos by the beach
Bottlecap 20 Near rivers (often next to glass bottles)
Bug's Lymph 30 Most bugs
Bull Ant Mandible 30 Bull Ants (not the small Worker Ants)
Charcoal 30 Process Wood at Furnace
Chitin 30 Larger bugs (Green Beetle, Lubber, Waterbug)
Clay 30 By rocks in the Jungle (bottom right of map)
Clay Mortar 30 Process Clay at Windmill
Fiber 30 Small plants, Tall Plants, Saplings
Fiber String 30 Process Fiber at Loom & Spindle
Firefly Juice 30 Fireflies at night
Flint 30 Usually at Beaches or the Graylands
Flour 30 Process Seeds at Windmill
Garlic Leaf 30 Hedge Garlic (large green plants)
Heavy Chitin 20 Harder bugs (Cockroaches in the Graylands, Stag Beetles in the Jungle)
Herptile Hide 20 Geckos by the beach
Herptile Leather 30 Process Herptile Hide at Tannery
Honey Crumble 30 Near bees and beehives
Insect Fat 30 Most insects
Insect Fur 30 Most fuzzy animals (Bees, Wasps, Spiders)
Insect Sting 30 Wasps
Insect Wings 30 Flying creatures (Bees, Wasps, Damselflies)
Iron Ingot 30 Process Iron Shards at Furnace
Iron Shard 30 Scrap metal deposits in Graylands
Lubber Femur 30 Lubbers (yellow Grasshoppers)
Nectar 30 Certain flowers (Poppys)
Refined Wood 20 Process Wood at Stonecutter
Resin 30 Small orange resin deposits in trees, Saplings
Roach Meat 30 Cockroaches
Sapphire Wings 1 Black Hornet in Graylands
Screw 20 Near man-made objects (some can be found in the Graylands)
Seed Oil 20 Process Seeds at Stonecutter
Seeds 20 Certain larger plants (Poppy, Rye)
Silk 30 Spider Cocoons using Flint Shears
Silk Thread 30 Process Silk at Loom & Spindle
Spider Head 30 Spiders
Stone 30 Mining small stones
Stone Brick 30 Process Stone at Stonecutter
Textile Patch 30 Process Fiber and Silk at Loom & Spindle
Toad Flesh 30 Toads
Wasp Queen Head 1 Wasp Queens (larger wasps)
Wild Strawberry 30 On ground in groups
Wood 30 Small bundles of twigs, Tall Plants, Saplings

That's the end of our Smalland Crafting and Unlocks Guide. Check out our other guides below!

| Staff Writer

Isaac is a Staff Writer at TechRaptor, handling guides — and the occasional review — for games throughout many genres. Some of his more extensive work at… More about Isaac

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Learn More About Smalland: Survive the Wilds
Merge Games
Merge Games
Release Date
March 29, 2023 (Calendar)
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