Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon True Ending

Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon True Ending Guide

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Published: December 12, 2021 9:05 AM

Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon is now out. This Rogueline/Puzzle game hybrid has Knights moving through falling block style combat to try to escape from the titular Pocket Dungeon. Just beating the game isn't enough though as you also need to be able to complete the True Ending. In this Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon True Ending Guide we'll walk you through all of the criteria to unlock the secret world and boss fights at the end of the game.

What is needed to get the Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon True Ending?

At the beginning of the game as Puzzle Knight is explaining to Shovel Knight the predicament that he's found himself in he mentions a key that is the solution to the Pocket Dungeon. This key has been scattered into four different fragments, once they've been put back together he believes that everyone will be able to escape the Pocket Dungeon. In order to get these fragments, you need to collect them from specific levels along the regular adventure mode route and then survive until the end of the game.

How do I find Key Fragments?

As you make your way through a variety of enemies and blocks in Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon you'll come across portals. In our beginner guide, we went over what each of the possible exits of the portals could be but there are specific ones we're looking for that lead to the Shrinemaster. The Shrinemaster is a giant skeletal being that stands in front of a locked door. Behind that door is a fragment for the key but you need to offer up something first, what you offer up depends on which visit you're at:

Shovel Knight Pocket True Ending Shrinemaster

  • First Visit - Lich Yard: To open the Shrine door you need to have three keys. In each level, you'll earn on average four keys, three for the chests that appear and one for the door. Make sure that you hold onto these keys and avoid opening the treasure chest until you've unlocked the first Shrine gate. After this, you can spend your keys how you want.
    After getting the first fragment you'll be offered a choice of two random Relics
  • Second Visit - Chromatic Caverns: To open the Shrine door you need to sacrifice 1 Max HP. It's recommended you keep an item out for Relics like the Meal Ticket or Premium Meal ticket in shops as this raises your max health. If you manage to get one before you reach the Chromatic Caverns it will put you in a much more comfortable position after this door.
    After getting the second fragment you'll be offered five gem granting items
  • Third Visit - Stranded Ship: To open the Shrine door you need to spend 20,000 gems on the door. This one can be tough, especially if you've been buying relics along the way. It's recommended to work your way up to 20k gems along the way, and then only spend on Relics what you make OVER that amount to ensure you've got enough when you come to this door. Keep your Chains large and your Gem modifier up to make this process much easier
    After getting the third fragment you'll be offered a choice of two random items
  • Fourth Visit - Flying Machine: You'll need to fight a "giant skeleton", the Shrinemaster himself. Each time you hit him he'll jump away leaving four skeletons in his place. Shrinemaster will start throwing out exploding rats, this isn't anything too dissimilar from what you're used to
    All the time you're fighting him there will also be single skeletons, blocks, and health potions appearing in the arena. This can be a very tough fight.

Shovel Knight Pocket True Ending Shrinemaster Battle

Unlocking the Tower of Fate in Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon

Knowing that you've acquired all of the Key Fragments in a single run you should continue playing and complete the game. After defeating the boss at the end of the Scholar's Sanctum there will be a new cutscene where Prism Knight appears with the key and unlocks a door in the floor of the boss room. From here you're taken to the Tower of Fate, a secret level.

The Tower of Fate is filled with all kinds of enemies to really slow/hurt your progress. Exploding rats, lava slimes, black griffons, tentacles, bombs… if it's not only going to hurt you but also block/impede your progress in one way or another it's going to be here.

After clearing the Tower of Fate the Cloaked Figure will reveal herself to be the Enchantress.

Enchantress Boss Fight

The Enchantress' main attack will be to create a large ball of energy that will completely engulf her and three spaces around her. If you even try to get in to attack her you're going to start taking a lot of damage.

Shovel Knight Pocket True Ending Enchantress

In her second phase, she'll stay in one location in the arena and send down bolts of dark energy from the top or side of the screen. These are only one block wide so be sure you can always dodge out of the way as you're doing damage to her or clearing out blocks.

The Third Phase includes a bullet hell style barrage of purple fire that falls from the top of the screen down. You'll want to do your best to navigate between them while moving towards the Enchantress to take her out. These fires will hurt you but won't do any damage to the Enchantress, any enemies, or even blocks on the stage

While dealing with the enchantress you'll have some normal enemies spawning like the skeletons

After defeating the Enchantress there's ONE MORE BOSS to fight

The Master Mind Boss Fight

Before the Enchantress runs away she transforms the Puzzle Knight into the Master Mind. The Master Mind plays out as a suped-up version of the Enchantress. Instead of a 2x2 ball of energy that slowly follows you the Master Mind version will become four that shoot out vertically and horizontally. It covers more space, but the predictable movement makes it easier to dodge.

The Master Mind's second big attack is a 3 square wide beam that can strike the field vertically or horizontally. Avoid being too close to any edges so as to not cut yourself off.

Shovel Knight Pocket True Ending Master Mind

After you've defeated the Master Mind you'll have not only beaten the game but achieved the Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon True Ending. This True Ending will unlock the new Endless Mode within adventure mode.

Andrew Stretch Headshot
| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon
Yacht Club Games
PC, Nintendo Switch
Release Date
December 13, 2021 (Calendar)
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