This Retreat to Enen Valley of Giants Walkthrough will help you navigate the giant Redwood forest that serves as the second zone of this survival game.
Quicklinks: Preparing for the Valley of Giants | 1. Setting Up Base Camp | 2. Valley of Giants Ruins 1
3. Valley of Giants Ruins 2 | 4. Valley of Giants Ruins 3 | 5. Returning Home and the Final Zone
Retreat to Enen Valley of Giants Walkthrough Guide - Preparing for the Valley of Giants
Before we can dive into exploring a new zone in this Retreat to Enen Valley of the Giants Walkthrough, we'll need to do some preparation by Crafting and Cooking the supplies we'll need.
Each zone in Retreat to Enen is its own separate area. Time does not quite progress the same way in other zones. For example, any Pelts on the first island will not progress while you're in the Valley of Giants and vice versa.
On the upside, you won't have to do any serious Building unless you really want to. You can be in and out of the Valley of Giants in just three days -- as long as you're adequately prepared.
Here's what I recommend bringing with you to the Valley of Giants:
- A full Water Flask
- Head Lamp
- 10 Large Smoked Meat
- A Spear
- A Bow
- 20 Arrows
- At least 2 Antivenom
- At least 2 Antiseptic
- 20 Dead Plant Fiber
- 23 Wood
- 18 Rock
- 24 Clay
- 20 GemStone
- 2 Enen Flower
All of these will be used to set up your initial base camp.
1. Setting Up Base Camp
Remember the route we took to the first Enen Ruins? We're going to go that same way again.
First, head to the area behind your base camp and towards the little underpass:
Travel through it and then follow the hexagon that's on your right -- this will lead you to the portal for the Valley of Giants. Walk into the portal and press E to travel to the next zone.
Once you're on the other side, walk a short distance ahead and you'll find a clearing. This is where we'll set up our base camp. Build the following structures:
- Basic Shelter
- Fire Pit
- Cooking Pot
- Smoker
- Raincatcher
- 2 Planters
Put the Enen Flowers in the Planters and water them. (You can find water a short distance away from your camp.) I have not found any Enen Flowers in the Valley of Giants, so Farming will be your only source of additional Enen Flowers if you need them. Snakes remain a very real danger in this zone.
Save your game at the Basic Shelter.

New Resources
There are several new resources available in the Valley of Giants and you'll want to grab what you can. These will give you new Cooking and Crafting opportunities.
- Ore - Used for making Modern Buildings.
- Obsidian - Used for Modern Buildings, artificial lights, and other Crafting.
- Northern Lilly - Used for Crafting and for Cooking the Spirit Tonic.
- Honey - Used for Cooking.
- Winter Berries - Used for Cooking.
Northern Lilly, in particular, is especially valuable. This will let you make Spirit Tonic which can fill your Spirit meter to 100% (and it cures Malnutrition, too). I always carry two of these tonics and you should, too.
New Threats
The Valley of Giants doesn't just introduce new items -- it introduces new threats. Snakes are still hanging around, but you'll also have to contend with Wolves and bears.
Wolves can be killed with a couple of arrows or a single attack with the Spear. While they don't provide any Raw Meat, they are a good source of Pelts.
Bears, on the other hand, are very, very difficult to fight. It takes a whopping ten arrows to take down a Bear and you'll almost certainly die if you attempt it unless you can get up on a rock or platform where the Bear can't reach you. I strongly recommend that you avoid Bears altogether if you can.
Time to Get Moving
Now that base camp is set up, we can get moving. You may, if you wish, decide to do some Building and set up a proper house, but it absolutely isn't necessary. A Basic Shelter and the handful of other things I instructed you to set up should be more than enough for your short stay here.
If it's early in the day, we'll have plenty of time to progress to the first Valley of Giants Ruins. If it's after 14:00 or so (2:00 PM), I recommend that you search around the area for resources like Obsidian, Ore, Northern Lilly, and Winter Berries. You'll also have the opportunity to set up some Pelt Drying Racks, do some Hunting, and smoke some Meat.
2. Valley of Giants Ruins 1
Our base camp is all set up, so we're ready to get moving.
First, we're going to follow the left-hand cliff of the Valley of Giants. Keep the cliff on your left as best as you can until you encounter a large pool of water and a river:
We're very close to the first Ruins.
Proceed towards the rock that's circled above:
Once you get there, walk up this path a short way.
You'll then hit this big boulder with a piece of Obsidian on it:
Walk around the boulder to the right.
You'll see the characteristic stone pillar that marks Ruins:
And we've reached the first Ruins!
Meditate here to unlock some new items. Then, follow the home icon to get back to the portal and your base camp.
As always, you'll have to wait until the next day before you can get to the next Ruins. Spend your time productively until you can sleep at 19:01.
3. Valley of Giants Ruins 2
Getting to the second Ruins involves a similar method as the first Ruins, although we're going in a slightly different direction.
This time, we're going to follow the cliff wall on the right:
As before, keep moving ahead and keeping the cliff wall on your right.
There will be some elevation changes as you move along, but don't worry about those too much.
Your only task is to proceed until you reach this pillar:
Go past this pillar and up the hill.
After walking for a few seconds, you'll see the characteristic pillars of Ruins:
Meditate and unlock your new goodies.
Then, return home. Do whatever you like until it hits 19:01 and you can go to sleep.
4. Valley of Giants Ruins 3
Unfortunately, making it to the third and final Valley of Giants Ruins is going to be a little more challenging. On the upside, all you really have to do is walk in a straight line (more or less).
Stand in the Valley of Giants Portal and look slightly to the right., You'll see these two birch trees with redwood trees on either side:
Head straight ahead in this direction.
I wish I could give you more specific instructions, but we'd have to go through dozens of images that would ultimately boil down to a route that's practically a straight line. If you encounter a rock, strafe around it while moving forward.
Eventually, you'll encounter this cave:
Walk past the left side of the cave. Be careful -- there could be a Bear inside!
Keep moving straight ahead and you'll see the iconic pillars that mark the Ruins:
Keep moving forward and you'll be at the Ruins.
Meditate there to get the final batch of Crafting and Building unlocks for Valley of Giants. Then, head back towards the portal home.
5. Returning Home and the Final Zone
With the Valley of Giants completed, we've now opened up access to The Great North. But first, we need to make the most of our new goodies.
First, head through the portal to get back to Enen. This is where you might encounter a small problem -- the house icon is now on the Valley of Giants. That is, after all, where your new house is.
In the event that you can't navigate back to your original Enen base camp, all you have to do is follow the coast in either direction. You'll eventually encounter the entrance portal -- it's right on the coast, after all -- and you can make the short trek to your base camp just like you did when we started this adventure together.
Planting Northern Lilly
We have a new flower, so let's make it easier to access -- it's time to plant Northern Lilly back home.
I recommend planting 2 Northern Lilly along with 1 extra Teal Majesty and 1 extra Enen Flower. This will help ensure a steady supply of Spirit Tonics. If you lean heavily into Farming, you might not need to use Meditation Points at all!
We've reached the end of the Retreat to Enen Valley of Giants Walkthrough Guide. Our next stop is the third and final zone of the game: The Great North.
Check out our Retreat to Enen The Great North Walkthrough Guide for details on how to find the Ruins there (and, more importantly, how to survive the harsh environment). Don't forget to check out our other guides, too!