The Quarry Clues Collectibles Guide

The Quarry Clues Collectibles Guide

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Published: June 15, 2022 9:54 PM

The Quarry's Clues are its most numerous collectibles, and we're here to make sure you don't put your head through a wall trying to find them all. Here's our guide to picking up all of The Quarry Clues.

Why You Should Try to Find Every Clue in The Quarry

While not tied to a secret ending for the game like the Evidence collectibles, the 40 Clues offer bits and pieces of backstory and history regarding the wider plot. This can be crucial to understanding the whole sad series of events that led to the game's conflicts, and can help you grasp whether certain characters are really who they seem to be.

This is to say nothing of the more tangible reward you'll receive for finding every Clue. Should you discover them all, you'll get the Meddling Kids! Trophy and Achievement, which stands as one of the rarest in the game.

Choices You'll Need to Make to Find Every Clue

With that said though, there are some choices you'll need to make if you're intent on finding all of The Quarry's Clues.

For starters, you'll need to choose to break into the cabin with Emma while playing as Abi in Chapter 1. One of the early clues is located in 

Likewise, you'll need to choose the Shady Glade path while Abi and Nick walk together in Chapter 2. If you don't you'll be locked out of discovering a Clue and won't be able to gather every one of this collectible type properly.

Finally, you'll need to fail a specific quick time event - namely, the second one that occurs while avoiding the local who breaks into the lodge - while playing as Kaitlyn in Chapter 5. Without doing so, you'll be unable to discover the final Clue and won't be able to remedy the error without starting a fresh playthrough.

You'll also need to accept that, you won't be able to find all of the game's Tarot Card collectibles. It is not currently possible to get every group of collectibles in one playthrough, and you'd need to start a new playthrough in order to collect all the Tarot Cards.

So long as you're ok with that and make the above decisions, nabbing every Clue is actually fairly easy to do, especially if you follow the instructions laid out below.

Where to Find All of The Quarry's Clues in The Prelude

There are four clues to track down in The Quarry's Prelude, and most are easy enough to get to. Three are tied to the Freakshow Fire group, while the fourth is tied to the Camp History group.

The first is the Harum Scarum Poster found on a tree to your right as you continue down the path. This is one of the hardest to miss, as it's one of the items used to teach you how to interact with objects.

The Quarry Freakshow Fire Clue 1

The second is the Escapology Trunk. This one is found by taking the left offshoot once you reach a fork in the path, and following the offshoot until you come to a closed chest.

The Quarry Freakshow Fire Clue 2

The third is a little trickier to find. At the fork in the road, take the right offshoot until you start to see some flattened grass to your right off the regular path. Once you see this, walk over said grass and follow the flattened portion into the wooded area. After walking along for a bit, you'll find the remnants of a Broken Cage that you can examine.

The Quarry Freakshow Fire Clue 3

The final Clue for this section isn't available until you've driven to the Hackett lodge and broken into the storm cellar. Once you reach this point, walk forward until a collar is sent flying toward you from the shadows. Continue forward, and Laura will examine the collar automatically as part of a cutscene, revealing it came from some unidentifiable remains.

The Quarry Camp History Clue 1

Where to Find All the Clues in Chapter 1

Next up are the Clues in Chapter 1. There are five in total to track down: Four that are tied to the Camp History group, and one that is part of the Freakshow Fire group.

The first can be found immediately after you take control of Jacob. Before heading inside to grab the bags, turn to your right. Just past some parked cars, there'll be a Hunting Notice sign for you to examine.

The Quarry Camp History Clue 2

Next up is a Camp Plaque. This one is found to the left of the upper level doors of Hackett Lodge that Nick and Dylan refuse to let Jacob through.

The Quarry Camp History Clue 3

The third is found while exploring the cabin you break into as Abi. After entering, look in between the bunkbeds to your right and you'll find the Newspaper Headline Scrap.

The Quarry Freakshow Fire Clue 4

After that, head out of the cabin and walk along the sides of the cabins on your right. Two cabins up, there'll be a tape recorder with a Camp Song Recording to examine.

The Quarry Camp History Clue 4

Finally, head toward the tree at the center of the cabin area. To the left side of the tree, there'll be an Information Signpost to examine with signs pointed in multiple directions.

The Quarry Camp History Clue 5

Where to Find The Quarry's Clues in Chapter 2

Next up are The Quarry's Clues found in Chapter 2. There are six to find in total, with one tied to the Freakshow Fire group, two tied to the Camp History group and three tied to the Hackett History group.

The first can be found after you take control of Emma. Upon entering the store's back section, look for the examination point to your right. Investigate it, and you'll discover the Damaged Memorabilia. 

The Quarry Freakshow Fire 5

After that, make your way toward the rear of the back area. Before you reach the closed storage room door, look to your right and you'll find the Lodge Renovation Plans.

The Quarry Camp History Clue 6

For the next few clues, you'll need to wait until you gain control of Dylan. Once you do, you can find the Family Photo Clue on Chris Hackett's desk.

The Quarry Hackett History Clue 1

After that is the Counselor's Ledger. It is found automatically after you discover the trap door leading down into the storage area.

The Quarry Camp History Clue 7

The final two Clues can be found once you take control of Nick. Once this occurs, choose the Shady Glade path. After slipping down the trail, follow the path around to the far right until you come to a Trail Cam you can examine.

The Quarry Camp History Clue 8

After that, continue to follow the trail until it meets the center path. Cross the center path to reach the left portion of the loop, and follow it until you reach the Ranger Chest.

The Quarry Hackett History Clue 2

Where to Find the Clues in Chapter 3

Chapter 3 of The Quarry has three Clues to find. One is tied to the Freakshow Fire, while the other two are related to Hackett History. 

The first is on a cabinet directly ahead of you as you enter the boat house with Jacob. Examine it, and it'll be revealed as the North Kill Gazette.

The Quarry Freakshow Fire Clue 5

From there, turn around and look for the examination point along the railing to your left. This will reveal the No Swimming Sign.

The Quarry Hackett History Clue 4

Finally, follow the railing all the way to the end of the dock. There will be an Old Camping Photo hanging on a post which you can look at.

The Quarry Hackett History Clue 5

Where to Find The Quarry's Clues in Chapter 4

Chapter 4 only has two Clues to find. Both are related to the Hackett History group.

The first is found at an old campfire along the low road you can take as Emma. Examine it, and you'll discover the Box of Matches.

The Quarry Hackett History Clue 6

The second is found on the windowsill to the left of the treehouse entrance. Examine it to discover the Police Car Keys.

The Quarry Hackett History Clue 7

Where to Find the Clues in Chapter 5

Chapter 5 of The Quarry also contains only two clues: One related to the Hackett History group, and one related to the Camp History.

The first is found when you take control of Dylan on the way to the radio building. Before advancing past the cabins, head to your left and then back behind the cabins on the left. Before long, you'll see a bear trap. After a cutscene, Dylan will trigger it with a stick, revealing the Triggered Bear Trap Clue.

The Quarry Hackett History Clue 8

After that, make your way to the front side of the cabins to the left of the area. Follow them up, and look between them to find the Camp Nurse Letter.

The Quarry Camp History Clue 8

Where to Find The Quarry's Clues in Chapter 6

Next up are three Clues in Chapter 6. All three of these are Camp History related.

The first is the Campers Photo and can only be obtained after you take control of Abi. It'll be pinned to a cork board on a wall directly to the left of the main group of characters.

The Quarry Camp History Clue 11

After that, go to the lower left of the building and into the shower area. At the very end of the area is a locker, and when you examine it you'll find the Spooky Drawing Clue.

The Quarry Camp History Clue 10

For the third clue, you'll need to be in control of Emma. After gaining control of her, look in front of the tent to your right and you'll see the Kid's Letter Home.

The Quarry Camp History Clue 9

Where to Find The Clues in Chapter 7

Chapter 7 Likewise has three Clues to find. This time there's two tied to the Hackett History group and one to the Freakshow Fire group.

The first is found by examining the wall in Laura's cell, and is revealed to be the Scrawled Limerick.

The Quarry Hackett History Clue 9

The next two can't be obtained until after Laura escapes from her cell. The first is found in on the top floor of the police station. Head up the stairs and then go through the second door to the left. Inside, you'll find the Charred Sherriff's Badge sitting on top of some cardboard boxes.

The Quarry Freakshow Fire Clue 7

The last Clue you can find takes some effort to reveal. First, examine the computer in Travis' office. You'll find out it requires a password with the hint revealing it's Travis' birthday. After that, head upstairs and look in both rooms for a birthday card and a calendar revealing the date.

Once you've examined both, go back downstairs and examine the computer again to reveal the Bizarre Yet Bonafide Podcast clue. You'll also unlock a special Trophy and Achievement for discovering this specific clue.

The Quarry Hackett History Clue 10

Where to Find The Quarry's Clues in Chapter 8

Next up are the Clues in Chapter 8 of The Quarry. There are three to find, and all three are related to Hackett History.

The first is directly in front of you once you fall into the mines and regain control of Laura. It'll be the pile of tools on the ground, and is noted as Old Quarry Tools.

The Quarry Hackett History Clue 12

Next, head back behind the pool of water Laura and Ryan fell into and follow the path that loops around to the right. At the end of it is the Miner's Lunchbox Clue.

The Quarry Hackett History Clue 11

The next Clue isn't available until after you make your way through the ominous door and switch to controlling Ryan. Go through the area and stick to the right until you trigger a Tarot Card view. Just past this are the Rum Stills.

The Quarry Hackett History Clue 13

Where to Find the Clues in Chapter 9

Chapter 9 has four Clues to uncover. Three are part of the Hackett History group, while the fourth is tied to the Freakshow Fire.

The first will be directly to your right after Laura escapes from the Hacketts. It'll be a single animal skull, and reveals the larger Hunting Trophy Wall Clue.

The Quarry Hackett History Clue 15

After that, head up the stairs and into the room to your right. Once inside, take an immediate left and the Hackett Family Tree will be hanging on the wall.

The Quarry Hackett History Clue 14

The next two can be found while playing as Dylan in the scrapyard. In the first building you come across, head up to the second level and then follow the walkway all the way to the right. The Scrapyard Note will be lying on a table for you to examine.

The Quarry Hackett History Clue 16

From there, go out into the scrapyard and make your way up onto the large red crates. Once you reach the staircase leading off of them, look to your left and you'll find the Discarded Signage.

The Quarry Freakshow Fire Clue 8

Where to Find The Quarry's Clues in Chapter 10

Chapter 10 of The Quarry holds the final batch of Clues you'll need. There are five in total: Three tied to Hackett's History, one tied to Camp History and one tied to the Freakshow Fire.

While playing as Kaitlyn, head up to the second floor of the lodge. Find the camper bedrooms and then look in front of the far bunks to find the Camp Letter.

The Quarry Hackett History Clue 17

After that, head out along the railing and circle it until you come to the classroom. Head inside, and then examine the board to uncover the Chalkboard Doodle of the camp mascot Ian.

The Quarry Camp History 12

From there, head up the stairs to the room with the yellow couch. walk up to it to reveal an examination point, and investigate it to discover the Inscribed Jewelry.

The Quarry Hackett History 18

Next, head back down stairs and circle the railing again until you come to a photo lying on the ground. Examine it and Kaitlyn will trigger a cutscene that reveals the Ticket Stub hidden inside.

The Quarry Freakshow Fire Clue 9

For the last Clue, head along the rails until you're on the opposite side of the chimney that's decorated with the mounted dear skull. You'll be right in front of the Ancestral Portrait, and can examine it from the railing.

The Quarry Hackett History Clue 18

Hopefully this helps you find all of The Quarry's Clues with less hassle. For more on The Quarry and horror titles in general, feel free to check out some of our other articles down below.

Keenan McCall, a Staff Writer for TechRaptor
| Former Staff Writer

Keenan is a freelance video game journalist and writer who has been playing games for as long as he can remember. From the original Pong all the way up to… More about Keenan

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Supermassive Games
2K Games
Release Date
June 10, 2022 (Calendar)
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