Potion Permit Research Guide - cover

Potion Permit Research Guide

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Published: September 22, 2022 4:11 PM

This Potion Permit Research Guide tells you how Research works and how you can solve the mildly challenging puzzles presented to you.

How Potion Permit Research Works

Potion Permit Research is a prerequisite step to crafting Potions, especially for certain Tasks (quests).

In terms of the story, your character has a vague idea of what you need to do in order to fix a particular problem with a Potion. However, you don't know exactly what you need to put into the Potion, hence the need for Research.

Successfully completing Research will usually unlock access to a Task Potion. These Potions are one-offs that are typically more difficult to brew compared to what you're used to. As always, make sure you have a few of every available Material on hand -- you'll never know what you need!

Mind, you won't be doing Research all willy-nilly -- it only pops up during certain quests, and rather infrequently at that. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your perspective), Research really isn't that big a part of the game.

Potion Permit Research Guide - Doing Me a Learn

How to Solve the Potion Permit Research Puzzles

Potion Permit Research puzzles follow an incredibly simple formula. A set of elemental symbols are shown at the bottom of the screen. Your job is to match the things you see in the magnifying glass with those symbols.

Is this some kind of deceptively complex puzzle? Nope! Simply select each of the Elements within the magnifying glass one at a time and rotate through the Elements until you land on the correct one.

If you can manage the nigh-insurmountable challenge of correctly identifying all of the Elements, the Research will be deemed complete. After this, the real challenge will typically begin -- you'll likely have to brew a unique Task Potion that will be a little more difficult than the potions of the current Tier you're on. (You can see a lengthy list of Task Potions and solutions in our Potions Guide.)

It probably took you longer to read our Potion Permit Research Guide than it takes to actually do Research, but fear not -- we have many much more useful guides to check out below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Game Page Potion Permit
MassHive Media
Release Date
September 22, 2022 (Calendar)
Simulation, RPG, Indie
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