New Home: Medieval Village, like any simulation game, is going to be heavily tied to town managment. You need to know how to make the most profit in order to have your town truly flourish and be able to go all out in your town design. Making the perfect town is easier said than done, though, so we compiled several New Home: Medieval Village tips and tricks to help you earn money faster, attract better villagers, and have an all-around fun time while playing the game.
How to Increase Happiness in New Home: Medieval Village Quickly
When you first start the game, your villager's happiness is going to be low. You will find that it's rather hard to make your villagers happy if you don't want to go bankrupt. This is because the easy way to make a profit each day is by maxing out your taxes while sacrificing happiness and the attractiveness of your town. There is an easy way around this, and it's by using farms to sell off items to help offset the cost of operating the town while still focusing on zoning.
Being able to find work, have housing, and low taxes all play into making your town more appealing. You should always be checking your zoning tab, as it will let you know of any villagers looking for housing and that need jobs. You will also find that not providing enough housing and jobs will slow down the rate that new villagers are moving in. This means that your profits are stalled; this is particularly bad if your still not making a profit each day.
- Quick Tip: Once you're turning a constant profit, invest in building other docks. This will cause ships with new villagers to constantly be coming into port.
Try to create housing sections by laying out roads and having zones prepared; this way, you never really run out of houses. Do this in small allotments such as three houses per row so that you don't have zones sitting around waiting to be built for days or months at a time. This ensures that your happiness stays up while you are tending to other parts of your town. You should also watch the ship tab to see what type of villagers you're getting, as poor villagers only live in poor houses and average villagers only live in average houses.
How to Make Money Quickly in New Home: Medieval Village
You're going to need money to be successful and keep your village going. You are given a decent amount of money to start with, but this can easily be blown through when building large towns or trying to buy every specialty building. The first part of earning money is to not put yourself in the hole with daily upkeep costs or unused housing.
Here are some things to think about when deciding how to spend your money
- You don't need to watch crime and fires in a small town. If a building is destroyed, it's cheaper to demolish it and watch it rebuild at the start.
- Always place objects strategically; the more buildings covered by a single building or well, the better.
- At the start of the game, you only really need to focus on zoning houses, farms, and small workplaces.
- The first buildings you should worry about are the woodcutter and tailor as these provide supplies that your village needs.
You can make meat farms around town; these will create a large amount of meat that you can sell off to visiting ships. Always keep an eye on consumption levels; for the most part, you're probably going to be making enough food to export it and turn a healthy profit. You will also want to raise taxes a bit high and start building neighborhoods of houses around job sites; this will keep villagers moving in; for every house you fill, you are getting more money in taxes.
Your ultimate goal is to get in wealthier villagers as they will bring in more money. To do this, work towards raising your town's attractiveness by slowly lowering taxes as you pull in more profits. Your ultimate goal is to have a self-sustaining town that is pulling in a decent income before you start building mansions. You should also keep in mind that only poor villagers will work on your farms and are much more valuable to the health of your village.
You Can Design Your Own Homes
One of the coolest features is the ability to edit buildings and then use them in the game. If you aren't in love with a look, simply hop over to the game's designer and start changing things around. The creator of the game has already stated that he wants to make this a fun system that allows you to further customize your town. It does take a bit of practice to get used to the system, but once you get going, it's pretty easy to use.
That's it for our New Home: Medieval Village tips and tricks - if you're playing and you've found some neat tricks, let us know in the comments!