My Time at Sandrock Cooking Guide - cover

My Time at Sandrock Cooking Guide

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Published: December 10, 2022 12:13 PM

This My Time at Sandrock Cooking Guide will teach you how to unlock cooking and how to unlock more recipes -- and we have a list of recipes we've discovered, too.

How to Unlock Cooking in My Time at Sandrock

You can unlock Cooking in My Time at Sandrock by unlocking the Drying Rack and then the Apprentice Cooking Station.

Once you have the Apprentice Cooking Station unlocked, you'll be able to make recipes using the Cooking Pot and Steamer. You can upgrade to the Chef's Cooking Station (or build a new one altogether) and gain access to the Wok. The Advanced Cooking Station is the next upgrade after that, and is currently available for research with Director Qi, though there is difficulty getting some of the upgrade materials. The Advanced Cooking Station unlocks the Oven function.

How Does My Time at Sandrock Cooking Work?

My Time at Sandrock Cooking follows a fairly simple process if you already know the recipe. (Make sure to check out the recipes we've already unlocked below!)

  1. Select the ingredients you want to cook.
  2. Select the Cooking Tool.
  3. Push the button and you'll learn the recipe!


  1. Select the recipe from the list of unlocked recipes.
  2. It will slowly cook once you leave the station.

However, this only applies if you already know the ingredients or have already unlocked a recipe. If you want to learn new recipes, you'll have to do some experimentation.

How to Unlock More Cooking Recipes

My Time at Sandrock Cooking recipes have to be unlocked through experimentation or through talking to people. On the experimentation side of things, you can access this screen by clicking the Test Tube on the top of the screen in the Apprentice Cooking Station (or any of its upgrades). Then, you follow this process:

  1. Select at least one Main Ingredient.
  2. Select one or more additional ingredients or herbs.
  3. Select your Cooking Tool.
  4. Hit the Confirm button.

If you managed to stumble upon a correct recipe, you'll immediately get that new recipe's result in your inventory and you can add it to your list. If not, you'll get Food Scraps and effectively waste the food.

Getting Food Scraps, however, may be a good sign. As best as we can tell, this looks like a sign that you may be close to a recipe you haven't yet unlocked. Try removing and replacing ingredients one by one until you unlock a new recipe.

There's one thing you should keep in mind, though -- experimenting with new recipes can go through a lot of food very quickly. It's a good idea to get into Farming as well as Fishing before you try to start taking Cooking seriously.

If you're not keen on wasting tons of food on experiments, you have an alternative -- you can befriend the people of Sandrock, particularly Owen and Mabel. As you get to know them better, they'll teach you recipes and save you the trouble of trying out tons of random combinations.

My Time at Sandrock Cooking Guide - Experiment
Experimenting is the key to unlocking more recipes.

My Time at Sandrock Cooking Recipe List

Here are all of the My Time at Sandrock Cooking Recipes we've found so far.

Recipe Name Ingredients Tool Used Buy For Sell For Effect
Alfalfa Baked Eggs Alfalfa, Egg, Salt Oven   14 Gols Critical Damage +2%, Lasts for 30 Seconds
Alfalfa Salad Alfalfa, Sea Salt, Chili Wok   12 Gols Health Points + 109
Beef Noodles Beef, Flour, Soy Sauce Cooking Pot   18 Gols Defense +15, Lasts for 30 Seconds
Beef Tacos Meat, Flour, Egg, Sand Leek Oven   20 Gols Critical Damage +4%, Lasts for 30 seconds
Bitter Beam Cake Bitter Beans, Rice, Sugar Steamer   11 Gols Stamina +1 Every 2 seconds, Lasts 30 Seconds
Braised BBQ Ribs Rib Meat, Soy Sauce, Sugar, Five Spice Powder Cooking Pot   44 Gols Min Damage +50, Max Damage +50, Lasts for 30 Seconds
Braised Meat Meat, Potato, Sugar, Sand Leek Cooking Pot   19 Gols Min Damage +4%, Max Damage +4%, Lasts for 30 Seconds
Bread Flour, Egg, Sugar Oven   10 Gols Critical Rate +2%, lasts for 30 seconds
Cheese Sandwich Flour, Yakmel Milk, Egg, Tomato Oven   18 Gols Critical Rate +3%, Lasts for 30 seconds
Chestnut Pork Meat, Chestnut, Soy Sauce Cooking Pot   23 Gols Min Damage +20, Max Damage +20, Lasts for 30 Seconds
Chilly Sandrice Noodles Sandrice, Flour, Soy Sauce, Chili Cooking Pot   15 Gols Defense +14, Lasts for 30 Seconds
Churros Flour, Sugar Wok   5 Gols Health Points +22
Cilantro Meatloaf Meat, Cilantro, Flour, Five Spice Powder Wok   37 Gols Stamina +26
Cilantro Omelette Cilantro, Egg, Salt Wok   19 Gols Health Points +159
Egg Custard Egg, Sea Salt Steamer   5 Gols Health Points +3 Every 2 seconds, Lasts for 30 seconds
Fine Beef Noodles Meat, Flour, Soy Sauce, Cilantro Cooking Pot   32 Gols Defense +33, Lasts for 30 Seconds
Fine Hot and Sour Fish Sandacuda, Vinegar, Chili     53 Gols  
Fine Sandfishsticks Sandacuda, Flour, Sea Salt Wok   50 Gols Health Points +10%
Fish Porridge Sand Carp, Sand Leek, Soy Sauce, Rice     34 Gols  
Hashbrown Potato, Flour, Egg, Sand Leek Oven   17 Gols Critical Damage +3%, Lasts for 30 seconds
Highwind Fried Rice Rice, Potato, Egg, Soy Sauce Wok   18 Gols Health Points +3%
Honey Barbecued Pork Meat, Honey, Five Spice Powder, Soy Sauce     34 Gols Critical Damage +6%, Lasts for 30 seconds
Macaroni Tomato, Flour, Egg     13 Gols Defense +9, Lasts for 30 Seconds
Mapo Tofu Soybean, Seesai Pepper, Spicy Bean Paste (Complete Fragrant Memories mission)     26 Gols N/A
Marinated Steak Rib Meat, Sea Salt, Five Spice Powder, Seesai Pepper     46 Gols Critical Damage +8%, Lasts for 30 seconds
Master Chef Omelette Egg, Salt     6 Gols Health Points +29
Meat Bun Meat, Flour, Sand Leek     18 Gols Stamina +1 Every 2 Seconds, Lasts for 30 Seconds
Meat Stuffed Mushroom Desert Mushroom, Meat, Soy Sauce     26 Gols Health +26 Every 2 Seconds, Lasts for 30 Seconds
Melon and Beef Meat, Sugar, Cantaloupe, Salt     19 Gols Health Points +3%
Melon Mousse Cantaloupe, Flour, Egg     20 Gols  
Milk Steamed Egg Egg, Milk Steamer   8 Gols Health Points +5 Every 2 Seconds for 30 Seconds
Mush Sandrice, Salt     6 Gols N/A
Mushroom Soup Desert Mushroom, Sea Salt, Sand Leek Cooking Pot   16 Gols Defense +16, Lasts for 30 seconds
Onion Cake Flour, Sand Leek, Sea Salt Wok   9 Gols Stamina +8
Omelet Egg, Yakmel Milk, Flour Wok   11 Gols Health Points +70
Pizza Flour, Yakmel Milk, Meat, Egg Adv Cooking Station   19 Gols Critical Rate +3%, Lasts for 30 seconds
Rice Omelet Egg, Rice, Soy Sauce Wok   11 Gols Health Points +97
Roasted Sweet Potato Sweet Potato     5 Gols Critical Rate +1%, Lasts for 30 seconds
Sand Tea Beef Meat, Tea Leaves, Cilantro, Five Spice Powder     48 Gols  
Sand Tea Noodles Flour, Sand Leek, Soy Sauce Cooking Pot   13 Gols Min Damage +3%, Max Damage +3%. Lasts for 30 Seconds
Sandberry Sponge Cake Sandberry, Rice Steamer   7 Gols Health Points +5 Every 2 Seconds, Lasts for 30 Seconds
Sandberry Zongzi Sandberry, Rice, Sugar Steamer   11 Gols Stamina +1 Every 2 Seconds, Lasts for 30 Seconds
Sandrice Cake Sandrice, Sugar Steamer   7 Gols Stamina +1 Every 2 Seconds, Lasts for 30 Seconds
Sandrice Sushi Sandrice, Meat, Vinegar Steamer   14 Gols Health Points +13 Every 2 seconds, Last for 30 seconds
Spicy and Sour Potato Potato, Vinegar, Chili Wok   9 Gols Health Points +75
Spicy Bean Paste Meat, Potato, Chili     17 Gols Defense +13, Lasts for 30 seconds
Steamed Meat Pie with Salty Eggs Meat, Rice, Soy Sauce Steamer   19 Gols Stamina +1 Every 2 seconds, Lasts for 30 seconds
Steamed Sandfish Sand Carp, Salt, Sand Leek Steamer   26 Gols Stamina +2 Every 2 Seconds, Lasts for 30 Seconds
Steamed Sweet Potato Sweet Potato Steamer   4 Gols Health Points +2 Every 2 Seconds, Lasts for 30 Seconds
Sweet and Sour Pork Meat, Flour, Sugar Wok   16 Gols Stamina +11
Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs Rib Meat, Sugar, Vinegar Wok   29 Gols  Stamina +5%
Sweet Potato Bake Sweet Potato, Flour     7 Gols Stamina +5
Sweet Potato Pie Sweet Potato, Flour, Egg Adv Cooking Station   11 Gols Critical Damage +2%, Lasts for 30 seconds
Sweet Potato With Meat Meat, Sweet Potato, Soy Sauce     20 Gols Health Points +17, Every 2 seconds, Lasts for 30 seconds
Sugar Fried Chestnut Chestnut, Sugar Wok   10 Gols Stamina +7
Tea Egg Egg, Tea Leaves, Salt     19 Gols Min Damage +16, Max Damage +16, Lasts for 30 Seconds
Tea Porridge Tea Leaves, Rice Cooking Pot   17 Gols Defense +3%, Lasts for 30 seconds
Tomato and Egg Soup Tomato, Egg, Sand Leek Cooking Pot   16 Gols Min Damage +12, Max Damage +12, Lasts for 30 seconds
Tomato Beef Brisket Tomato, Meat, Sea Salt     18 Gols Min Damage +3%, Max Damage +3%, Lasts for 30 Seconds
Tomato Fish Tomato, Sand Carp, Sand Leek, Egg     34 Gols  
Tomato Scrambled Egg Tomato, Egg, Salt Wok   12 Gols  
Veggie Stir-Fry Desert Mushroom, Soy Sauce, Cilantro, Alfalfa Wok   41 Gols Stamina +8%


That's it for our My Time at Sandrock Cooking Guide. While you're here, why not take a look at some of our other guides?

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Learn More About My Time At Sandrock
Pathea Games
Release Date
May 26, 2022 (Calendar)
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