Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Follower Collab Quests Guide

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Follower Collab Quests Guide

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Published: July 4, 2022 10:44 AM

The Monster Hunter franchise has offered limited NPC help in the form of Palicos (and Palamutes in Rise). However, with the introduction of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak's Follower Collab Quests, you now have the chance to hang out with NPCs that have the same abilities as you. In our Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Follower Collab Quests Guide, we'll go over everything you need to know about this new system, along with its rewards.

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Follow Collab Quest marker

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak - How to Unlock Follower Collab Quests

Follower Collab Quests are not available from the start of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, though you thankfully wont have to wait long before they start to unlock. Your first taste of this system will happen after the MR2 urgent quest "Scarlet Tengu in the Shrine Ruins". After this quest is over, you'll start to see pink dialogue bubbles above NPCs that have new Follow Collab Quests for you.

You'll slowly unlock more Follower Collab Quests as the main story progresses, with these quests being split into two categories. Follower Quests are the ones received directly from NPCs. These have set NPC requirements, and do not allow you to chance their weapons. Support Surveys on the other hand allow you to pick up to 2 NPCs of your choice (that you have unlocked for this mode anyway), with more automatically being unlocked when urgent quests are completed. As a side note, completed Follower Quests will turn up in the Support Survey list after being completed, removing the set NPC requirement.

Completing Follower Quests will unlock new weapons and armor, along with more NPCs to chose from during Support Surveys. Followers in Support Surveys also have different weapons that they can use, though most are limited to 3-5 choices.

Now, we'll go over every Follower Quest, along with their unlock requirements and potential rewards.

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Fiorayne Collab Quest

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Follower Quests List

Fiorayne - unlocks alongside the Follower Collab Quest system

  • "An Audience With the Queen" - Available from the start - Unlocks Royal Order's Sword S&S
  • "Flicker in the Night" - Requires completion of urgent quest M2 "Provoking an Anajanath's Wrath" - Unlocks Knight Squire Armor Set
  • "Sisters Sally Forth" - Requires completion of the first two Rondine + M3 "Keep it Busy" - No unlocks
  • "Hunting is All the Rage" - Requires completion of the first three Luchika quests + M3 "Keep it Busy" - No unlocks

Dame Luchika - available directly after "Scarlet Tengu" Quest is completed

  • "Fruit Vs. Firearms" - Unlocks Royal Order's Bowgun (Heavy Bowgun)
  • "A Tough Lesson" - Requires completion of urgent quest M3 "Garangolm Gone Mad" - Inlocks Royal Order's Crossbow (Light Bowgun)
  • "Passion Melts Ice" - Requires completion of urgent quest M3 "Keep it Busy" - Unlocks Royal Artillery Corps armor set

Sir Jae - Follower Quests start after urgent quest M3 "Garangolm Gone Mad"

  • "White Knight Vs. New Knight" - Unlocks Jae for Support Survey quests
  • "Basarios Buzzkill" - Requires completion of of urgent quest M3 "Keep it Busy" - unlocks Royal Order's Battleaxe (Charge Blade)
  • "Front Row Seat" - Complete previous Sir Jae quests + Utsushi quest "Grabbin' Life by the Horns" - No unlocks

Arena Master Arlow - unlocks after urgent quest M3 "Keep it Busy"

  • "Enshrined Resentment" - unlocks Royal Order's Bludgeon (Hammer)
  • "Dust off Those Hunting Boots" - Available after M4 "In Search of the Doctor" - Unlocks Royal Order's Pledge (Gunlance)
  • "Moonlit Espinascapade" - available after M4 "A Slumbering Jungle Espinas" - Unlocks Arlow for Support Surveys
  • "Unknown Invader" - available directly after completing "Moonlit Espinascapade" - Unlocks Heavy Knight armor set
  • "The Fire Still Burns" - available after M5 "Dark Citadel, White Wheel" - No unlocks

Rondine the Trader - unlocks after urgent quest M3 "Keep it Busy"

  • "A Muddy Revival" - Royal Order's Glaive (Insect Glaive)
  • "Into the Jungle Deep" - Unlocks directly after "A Muddy Revival" - Rondine can be used in Support Surveys
  • "A Cold Wind Blows" - Available after M5 "Dark Citadel, White Wheel" - Unlocks Professor armor set

Hinoa and Minoto - both unlock after urgent quest M4 "Howling Moon"

  • Hinoa
    • "Not Your Average Picnic" - Unlocks the Royal Order's Bow
    • "Rumbling Tummy, Rumbling Thunder" - Available after M4 "In Search of the Doctor" - Unlocks Hinoa for Support Surveys
  • Minoto
    • "Cherry Blossoms in Battle" - Unlocks Royal Order's Guard (Lance)
    • "Destructive Instructor" - Available after M4 "A Slumbering Jungle Espinas" - Unlocks Minoto for Support Surveys

Completing all of the above Hinoa and Minoto Follower Quests unlocks the quest "Flooded Forest Feast", which has no direct unlocks.

Master Utsushi - available after M4 "In Search of the Doctor"

  • "An Ace Idea!" - Unlocks Royal Order's Rapiers (Dual Blades)
  • "Breaking the Ice" - Available after M4 "A Slumbering Jungle Espinas" - Unlocks Royal Order's Horn (Hunting Horn)
  • "Grabbin' Life by the Horns" - Available after M5 "Crimson Moonlight" - Unlocks Utsushi for Support Surveys (Utsushi can use every weapon type for Support Surveys, unlike the rest of the cast)

Admiral Galleus - unlocks after M5 "Crimson Moonlight"

  • "Burning Air, Trembling Earth" - Unlocks Royal Order’s Great Sword
  • "Fire Vs. Fire" - Available after M5 "Dark Citadel, White Wheel" - Unlocks Royal Order’s Axe (Switch Axe)
  • "Invisible Threat" - Unlocks after M6 "Proof of Courage" - Unlocks Galleus for Support Surveys
  • "True Hunters" - Complete all previous quests for Galleus + Fugen to make this quest available - No unlocks
  • “Rage That Never Dies” - Available after M6 “Unreasonable Rage” (requires Master Rank level 50) - Unlocks Base Commander armor set

Fugen the Elder - unlocks after M5 Crimson Moonlight

  • "The Flame that Burns Within" - Unlocks Royal Order’s Claymore (Longsword)
  • "Lava Caverns Litter Box" -  Unlocks after M6 "Proof of Courage" - Unlocks Fugen for Support Surveys


That's it for our Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Follower Collab Quests Guide! If this helped you out, check out more below:

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Isaac is a Staff Writer at TechRaptor, handling guides — and the occasional review — for games throughout many genres. Some of his more extensive work at… More about Isaac

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Monster Hunter Rise
Nintendo Switch, PC
Release Date
March 26, 2021 (Calendar)
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