As you reach the level cap of 55 in the Palworld Sakurajima update you'll become more powerful than ever before, but you could always be stronger. A new feature added in the Sakurajima update is the ability to craft new Remedy and Elixir Items that will permanently boost stats.
Each of these items requires Pal Fluids or High Quality Pal Oil, drops from specific Pals that can be found around the map, and Lotus items. The Pal drops are easy enough to obtain as they have the name of the Pal they come from in the title, such as the Rushoar Pork being a drop of a Rushoar, but the Lotus are more difficult to come across.
If you're interested in not just raising your stats but also your Capture Power then you should also be on the hunt for all of the new Lifmonk Effigy that are available on Sakurajima Island.
Where to find Lotus in Palworld?
There are five different types of Lotus in Palworld, each coming in a small or large size. The Lotus are Life Lotus, Stamina Lotus, Power Lotus, Speed Lotus, and Carrying Lotus. You can tell if you have a small or a large one by seeing if they have (S) or (L) next to their name, you can also tell the difference by looking at the icon size in your inventory.
Lotus can be obtained in a number of ways:
- Dungeons - Any Dungeon you enter will have at least one Lotus. While there doesn't seem to be a pattern to what type of Lotus appears you'll need to enter a high level dungeon to obtain a large Lotus
- Raid Drops - By completing raids like the Blazamut Ryo boss battle you will be able to obtain Lotus
Where Can I Obtain Remedy and Elixirs?
The most efficient way to create Remedy and Elixir items is to craft them yourself, but that's not the only way to get them. You can also obtain Remedy and Elixir items as rare drops from world events like a Supply Drop.
How Do I Craft Remedy Items in Palworld?
There are five different Remedy Items in Palworld; Vital Remedy, Stamina Remedy, Might Remedy, Speed Remedy, and Burden Remedy. Each type, when consumed, will increase your character's Health, Stamina, Strength, Speed, or Carrying Capacity respectively.
The Medieval Medicine Workbench lets you craft the Remedy formulas, while the Electric Medicine Workbench allows you to craft both the Remedy and Elixir items.
Palworld Remedy
- Vital Remedy
- 4x Life Lotus (s)
- 2x Raw Kelpsea
- 2x Gumoss Leaf
- 2x Pal Fluids
- Stamina Remedy
- 4x Stamina Lotus (s)
- 3x Eikthyrdeer Venison
- 2x Honey
- 2x Pal Fluids
- Might Remedy
- 4x Power Lotus (s)
- 3x Rushoar Pork
- 2x Mozzarina Meat
- 2x Pal Fluids
- Speed Remedy
- 4x Speed Lotus (s)
- 3x Ribunny Ribbon
- 2x Katress Hair
- 2x Pal Fluids
- Burden Remedy
- 4x Carrying Lotus (s)
- 3x Swee Hair
- 2x Cotton Candy
- 2x Pal Fluids
Palworld Elixir
- Vital Elixir (850 to 1050)
- 6x Life Lotus (L)
- 3x Galeclaw Poultry
- 2x Killamari Tentacle
- 2x High Quality Pal Oil
- Stamina Elixir
- 6x Stamina Lotus (L)
- 3x Reindrix Venison
- 2x Caprity Meat
- 2x High Quality Pal Oil
- Might Elixir
- 6x Power Lotus (L)
- 3x Mamorest Meat
- 2x Broncherry Meat
- 2x High Quality Pal oil
- Speed Elixir
- 6x Speed Lotus (L)
- 3x Dazzi Cloud
- 2x Tocotoco Feather
- 2x High Quality Pal oil
- Burden Elixir
- 6x Carrying Lotus (L)
- 3x Leezpunk Crest
- 2x Raw Dumud
- 2x High Quality Pal Oil