Icarus 'Broken Arrow Recovery' Prospect Mission Walkthrough & Guide cover

Icarus 'Broken Arrow: Recovery' Prospect Mission Walkthrough & Guide

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Published: December 10, 2021 8:16 AM

This Icarus Broken Arrow: Recovery Prospect Mission Walkthrough & Guide will help you get back the pieces of three fallen satellites.

What You Need for the Icarus Broken Arrow: Recovery Prospect Mission

The Icarus Broken Arrow: Recovery Prospect mission is easy enough on its own; the challenge lies in the creatures you'll be facing.

Here's what you'll need:

  • Stone Pickaxe
  • Stone Axe
  • Campfire
  • Bedroll
  • Stone Knife
  • Wood Bow
  • Stone Arrows
  • Bone Arrows
  • Wood Spear
  • Bone Spear
  • All Wood building pieces
  • Crafting Bench
  • Waterskin

Additionally, it is strongly recommended (but not required) to have the following:

  • Rain Reservoir
  • Textiles Bench
  • All Fur armor pieces

How to Unlock the Icarus Broken Arrow: Recovery Prospect Mission

You can unlock the Icarus Broken Arrow: Recovery mission by completing the Searchlight: Scan Prospect mission.

Icarus Broken Arrow: Recovery Prospect Mission Walkthrough & Guide - map

Icarus Broken Arrow: Recovery Prospect Mission Walkthrough & Guide

The Icarus Broken Arrow: Recovery mission can be done relatively quickly if you know where to go -- there's no need to mess around with building huge structures for this one.

Setting Up

Start off by crafting a handful of basic tools:

  • Stone Pickaxe
  • Stone Axe
  • Wood Spear
  • Wood Bow
  • Stone Arrows
  • Stone Knife

Once that's done, start heading towards Crashsite Omega to the north. Hunt animals along the way until you have enough materials to craft a Bedroll.

Retrieve Bio-warhead from Crashsite Omega

Once you get to Crashsite Omega, you'll find a massive grounded satellite and not much else. Don't touch anything just yet -- it's a good idea to build a small hut about 40-50 yards away. Place a Bedroll and Campfire inside, set your spawn point on the Bedroll, and then run back to the Bio-warhead and activate it.

Shortly after activating it, you'll hear a prompt that enemies are on the way. There's just one small problem -- nothing showed up for me whatsoever. In fact, no enemies showed up at all, so I'm pretty sure this mission is a bit bugged.

Based on past experience, I imagine that you'd have to fight wolves, bears, or cougars as you have done in the Livewire: Terrain Scan mission. Prepare accordingly -- this mission isn't likely to be broken forever.

Either way, you'll soon be able to recover the Bio-warhead from the crashed satellite. Stuff it in your inventory and start heading back towards the Dropship.

Build a Base Camp

Head south beyond your Dropship and towards the marked point on the map -- this is a good place to set up a small base out of the way. Place a Bedroll and Campfire inside, and consider making some more advanced items like a Longbow. Start some food cooking and then head west.

Retrieve Bio-warhead from Crashsite Chi

Your next stop is Crashsite Chi. This one will play out more or less the same as Crashsite Omega -- build a structure 30-40 meters away, activate the satellite, and activate the satellite. Hang back, kill any creatures that show up (if they show up at all), and retrieve the Bio-warhead. Then, head back towards your Base Camp.

Retrieve Bio-warhead from Crashsite Psi

Unfortunately, Crashsite Psi is in the Arctic. That means two things: dealing with the cold and dealing with Polar Bears.

It is a good idea (but not strictly required) to craft a set of Fur Armor if you can. Either way, you definitely should make the following at the minimum.

  • 1 Wood Floor
  • 2 Wood Wall Angled
  • 1 Wood Roof
  • 4 Wood Wall
  • 1 Campfire
  • 1 Bedroll

These will allow you to make a small shack to set up a respawn point and protect you from storms. Go ahead and craft some extra pieces to make a better building if you'd like to. Don't expect it to stop Polar Bears, though -- they'll smash right through it.

Proceed to Crashsite Psi, avoiding Polar Bears along the way. Once you get there, follow the same procedure you've done for the last two satellites: build a small respawn point 30-40 meters away, activate the satellite, hang back, and deal with any animals that show up. Then grab the final Bio-warhead and turn around.

Returning Home

With the third and final Bio-warhead in hand, all you have to do is make it back to the Dropship. Head back through the Arctic and don't fight any Polar Bears along the way. Make it to the Dropship, launch into space, and you're done!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
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Game Page Icarus
Release Date
December 3, 2021 (Calendar)
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