Our guide will go over how to unlock Pictomancer and Viper in Final Fantasy XIV, the game’s two latest Jobs added as part of the Dawntrail expansion.
Both Dawntrail Jobs require you to own the expansion, and already have an existing battle Job at Level 80. With these requirements met, you can talk to the NPCs in the following locations to start the Job questline to unlock each.

The unlock location for Pictomancer in Final Fantasy XIV can be found at Old Gridania (X:8.0 Y:10.3), which is outside the Conjurer’s Guild near the mini aetheryte. The blue quest icon leads to the NPC “Cheerless Hearer”, starting the quest “The Joy of Pictomancy”.

The unlock location for Viper in Final Fantasy XIV can be found at Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X: 9.3 Y:9.2), which is just outside the Hall of Flames. Look for a blue quest icon above the NPC “Worried Weaver”, which will lead you to the quest titled “Enter the Viper”.
Note that both Pictomancer and Viper both start at level 80 once unlocked, so make sure to check over your hotbars — especially before you go into any solo instances required for the Job quests.
Gearing up the Jobs
Gearing up each of the Dawntrail Jobs is easy enough, along as you’ve progressed the story up to the end of Shadowbringers. This will let you access the vender Aymark in Eulmore, just north of the main aetheryte.
Select Allagan Tomestones of Poetics (DoW) II for Viper, and (DoM) II for Pictomancer, and you can pick up Augmented Cryptlurker gear using Poetics Tomestones. This is item level 530, and will safely get you through dungeons up to at least level 85.
Otherwise, you’ll want to run dungeons and pick up gear along the way. Completing a leveling dungeon guarantees at least one relevant piece of gear each time, while also being a good source of experience.
That's all on how to unlock Pictomancer and Viper in Final Fantasy XIV! Make sure to check out more of our guides below.