After attempting to get into Trosky Castle on their own and failing horribly in Kingdom Come: Deliverance II, Hans Capon and Henry learn of a wedding in Semine that Lord Otto von Bergow will be attending. Seen as beggers with no Groschen to call their own, being invited to the wedding is easier said than done. Thankfully, Henry is willing to put in the work and there are two paths he can pursue to get there.
How to Get Invited to the Wedding
After you get out of the stocks in Troskowitz, it's time to search for work. You've been told the blacksmith and the miller are looking for help and will be attending the wedding, making them the best options for an invite. Each path has its own set of side quests that have you traveling across the Trosky map, but you only need to complete one path before being able to hit the celebration.

Blacksmith Path
You'll find the renowned blacksmith up in Tachov, north of Troskowitz. While the quests here are a bit more involved, they're more straight forward than the Miller path and can be easily completed.
The Blacksmith's Son

When you first arrive, speak to Blacksmith Radovan in his forge. He'll want to test your abilities in Craftmanship and walks you through the process of blacksmithing. You'll get the recipe for a Hunting Sword and will need to craft one. No matter the quality, Radovan will take you on. He gives you practice work to do, making axes and a Farmer's Horseshoes, which he provides the recipes for. When complete, speak to him again to start the second quest in the series.
The Jaunt
Much like everyone else providing goods for the wedding, something has happened to the cart that was supposed to deliver them. Radovan hasn't heard from his two hands he sent to Semine and is getting worried.
Head to Semine, down to the southwest of Troskowitz, where you'll be greeted by getting into a fistfight with one of the groom's cousins.
Regardless if you beat him or not, Lord Semine's guard will interrupt. After a brief conversation, he'll bring you up to Lord Semine in the fortress to discuss the missing hands.

The lord himself and his head guard will embark on a journey to find the missing cart. You're tasked with joining them, and given information on a horse that you can buy so you can keep up. This horse turns out to be your Pebbles, gifted to you by Lord Hanush. Even though she was yours originally, you'll need to buy her for 150 Groschen.
Now, you can either stay and go with the duo on their adventure by meeting with them in the courtyard in the morning. You can also leave and do something else, then return at the end of the day. You'll be scolded, but the quest will still complete and you can return to Radovan. You will miss out on dialogue options and opportunities to increase your reputation with Lord Semine, as well.
If you decide to go on the journey, meet them in the courtyard in the morning. Then follow their horses along the path. The quest is straight forward, and you'll only need to investigate anything when you get to town. Follow the steps until you need to look for the thief camp in Apollonia, where you want to find bags of charcoal to point the way.

After a scuffle with the thieves, you'll be able to return to Semine with the goods. You can also opt to hop off at any point along the way, such as Troskowitz, to make the journey back to Radovan shorter.
The Hermit
This is the hardest quest of the three, as it involves multiple steps if you want to fully complete it. Speak with tavern owner Betty in Troskowitz to learn about the Hermit's association with the Devil. She'll note two different people you can speak with that saw a devilish apparition, Gerda the Apothecary Emmerich's wife, and Herdsboy Stanislav.
Speak with Gerda before you leave town to learn that she saw a black man-shaped figure while out searching for Marshmallow plants to harvest near where a man that committed suicide has his grave marker. The location will be pinned to your map. Check out the grave before heading to Stanislav as he lives in Apollonia, closer to the Hermit's estimated location. Once at the grave, you'll find that it's been tampered with. Dig it up to reveal a hidden cache of items relating to the Inquisition.

Now, head to the east towards Apollonia. Herdsboy Stanislav lives past the cemetery, but still off the main road. He'll speak on what he saw the same night as Gerda. He'll also point you in the direction of where he saw the black rider and his horse.
This brings you to a crossroad. You'll want to search for the horse to prove it's, in fact, a real horse and not a devilish creature. From the crossroads you can follow a short path to a Well. The Hermit lives close by, with his home hidden between the rocks. From the Well, follow the path to a clearing then head to the left. When you come across a small garden, continue to follow the path up to the right, between two stones.

While the man is hostile, go up to him and begin talking, letting him know that you're aware of his involvement with the Inquisition. This causes the man to break, revealing he isn't actually the Hermit, but an old friend of his. He'll give you the location of the Hermit's grave, and his sword, as long as you agree to help with the man's last wishes.
Head to the cemetery to take the message you were given to the grieving widow. After listening to her story, help her move the grave of the Hermit's brother on top of her husband's body on consecrated ground. When finished, return to the Hermit's home. However, the Inquisition's knights have caught up and you can either fight them, or agree to kill the masquerading hermit. Either way, you'll be thrust into combat.
With the location of the sword learned, head up the hill to the grave. It's almost exactly where the marker is, underneath a tree. Take the broke sword to Radovan, who instructs you to forge the sword for the wedding. When complete, have him inspect it. With his approval, change into more fitting attire and head off to the wedding.
Miller Path

The Miller of Lower Semine needs help, and word is he's invited to the wedding. Getting to Lower Semine is a task itself. Located to the southwest of Troskowitz, you'll likely encounter a number of bandits along the road. Once there, speak with Miller Kreyzl, who asks you to stack bags of flour on the cart.
This path is the harder of the two, as you need to be able to Stealth your way into the Troskowitz Rathous, pickpocket a set of keys from the guards or knock a guard out to get his keys. Since it's still the early game, it's very possible you will get caught trying to obtain the manuscript.
Materia Prima
Once you've moved the fifth sack, you'll learn that they're not actually filled with flour. Pressing the miller, you learn of his underground dealings. Asking you to retrieve a rare manuscript from the Rathous chest in Troskowitz, his second in command will walk you through Pickpocketing and takedowns. You'll also be able to practice lockpicking on a chest in the barn.

Obtain the document and return to the Miller to learn that it discusses how to create a Golem.
Forbidden Fruit
The second in the series of quests involves you locating a large source of Saltpetre, needed in Alchemy and to make a large creature like a Golem. This introduces you to the final member of his thief band, Bonnie, and their hideout, The Lair. Found to the east of the mill, bring Bonnie some fresh herbs as a present to soften her up.
After chatting with her, she'll send you to the Gravedigger for Troskowitz. The cemetery is found to the east of town towards Apollonia. She suggests getting fresh meat from the Butcher to help butter him up.

Speak with the gravedigger, but don't lie to him. While you'll improve your reputation with the fresh meat, he'll still have you assist him with his animal carcass duties. This ends in the pit that will provide the necessary Saltpetre for Miller Kreyzl. Along the way there is the option to look for the source of an infection. If you decide to do this, actually walk to the carcasses as just looking at them won't prompt the next section of the quest.
Once you finish with the gravedigger, return to the mill to complete the quest.

Opus Magnum
Opus Magnum starts at the mill and brings you to the wedding where you'll assist in obtaining a rare book from Chamberlin Ulrich. Once you're ready, tell Miller Kreyzl that you can depart for the festivities.
Getting Dressed for the Wedding
Whichever path you choose, you'll need to be properly dressed before leaving for Semine. In technical terms, you need to wear nice clothing that boosts your Charisma to 16, at least. You don't want to be dirty or covered in blood, but you don't have to spend a ton of money on the most expensive attire, either. There's a tailor in Troskowitz where you can purchase new clothes.
When dressed, return to whoever is bringing you along to depart for the wedding.
That's all for our guide on getting a wedding invite for the Wedding Crashers quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Make sure to check out more of our guides below.