How to Get a Backpack in Vorax - Cover Image a Backpack Next to a Dead Body on the Floor of the Manor House

How to Get a Backpack in Vorax | Expand Your Inventory

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Published: July 22, 2024 3:52 PM

In this guide, we'll tell you how to get a backpack in Vorax within the first few minutes of the game so you can carry all of the survival gear you need.

Vorax can be especially challenging, especially for veterans of the survival genre. While you might want to get a gun as soon as possible, you'll also need a backpack to store the food, water, and various crafting items that you'll find while exploring the island. Read on to learn where to get a backpack!

Where to Get a Backpack in Vorax

When you first start a new game of Vorax, you'll be facing a military truck with a flashing green light on the ground. Walk toward the truck and look down on the ground; you'll see a Tactical Helmet and your first backpack.

Picking Up the Backpack_Small at the Beginning of Vorax
Wow, that sure was easy!

And there's your backpack! That's the end of our guide and — hang on a second, this backpack is actually pretty small. (In fact, it's even called "Backpack_Small.")

This small shoulder bag only gives you a few extra inventory spaces:

Showing the Backpack_Small Inventory Size in Vorax
Wow, that's... not very good.

Fortunately, we can find something a lot better a short distance away. We'll have to avoid a handful of enemies, but it's totally possible to get there without taking a lick of damage as long as you keep your distance.

First, make sure you pick up and equip the Backpack_Small, Tactical Helmet, and Rusty Hatchet. You'll need all three of these items to survive the first hour or two, so don't forget any of them! You may be tempted to grab everything in sight or start exploring the immediate area, but it's best to wait until you get a bigger backpack in Vorax.

There's also a letter on the ground; this is the note "Critical Situation" which you can later read in your Journal by pressing "J." It tells you that the surviving military forces have moved to the manor house to the northeast, so that's the next best place to go.

You can view your compass by bringing up your Tactical Helmet's display with V, but you don't need to do that just yet. Heading directly to the northeast will actually send you to the edge of a cliff; instead, we're going to have to follow the road to the north:

Follow the Road North to the Manor House to Get a Backpack in Vorax

Continue along this road.

You'll reach a fork in the road with a white truck in a short time.

A Fork in the Road with a White Truck in Vorax

Take the right fork with the white truck on it and keep walking forward.

A little further ahead, you'll see another fork in the road with low stone walls on either side. Once again, stay on the right.

A Fork in the Road with Stone Walls in Vorax

As before, continue walking along this road. You may start to see some zombies soon; do your best to avoid getting too close to them.

You'll soon see a dead cow on the road. Walk up to it and look to your right — you should be able to see the manor house in the distance.

Locating the Manor House to Get a Backpack in Vorax

You may be tempted to walk directly to the manor house and fight the zombies in your way. Instead, stay on (or near) the road; it wraps around to the right and will take you right up to the manor house.

The interior of the manor house is safe. Walk inside and explore the first floor — you'll soon find a much better backpack in the living room.

Finding a Better Backpack in Vorax in the Manor House

There are a lot of supplies and interesting things to check out in the manor house. For now, you should walk right up to the backpack and equip it. You may have to empty out your inventory first; you can drop stuff on the ground or stash it in nearby containers while you make the swap.

You now have a much better backpack in Vorax — check out the size of this thing!

Showing the Inventory Size of a Regular Backpack in Vorax

This new Backpack more than triples the size of your inventory, allowing you to carry a wider variety of items. You'll also want to make sure to pick up the gun on the ground next to the Backpack you've just equipped.

The manor house has a fair amount of loot for you to collect and a few puzzles to solve. It's certainly worth exploring, but you should make sure to go up to the second floor and save your game at a bed before you go any further!

Thanks for reading our guide on how to get a backpack in Vorax. Check out our other guides below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Release Date
July 22, 2024 (Calendar)