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How To Find Sakurajima Island in Palworld, Oil Rig Location

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Published: June 26, 2024 1:37 PM

The Sakurajima Update brings a new island to Palworld, along with an Oil Rig covered with high-level enemies, new Pals, and new Technology to create. One of the first questions you might face when you boot up Palworld though is where is Sakurajima? There isn't any quest indicator or map point telling you where to go so we'll help you get there.

Where is Sakurajima Island in Palworld?

Sakurajima Island is a new island that can be found in the North-West portion of the map. You can reach this by flying South-West from the frozen region, or North from the No. 2 Wildlife Sanctuary and Forgotten Island.

Sakurajima Island has Pals and enemies that range between levels 40 up to level 55.

Exploring the island you'll find a large number of Lifmonk Effigy, new dungeons, massive Pals to fight, and the Moonflower Tower. The Moonflower Tower is a fight against the leader of the Moonflower enemies, Saya and Selyne. This boss fight boasts a massive 261k HP and if you manage to defeat it you'll earn 5 Ancient Technology points and unlock an even more difficult version of the boss fight.

Saya and Selene Boss FIght in Palworld Sakurajima Update

Where is the Oil Rig in Palworld?

From where you originally spawned in Palworld at the ruins on the Windswept Hills you can head North-East to find the Oil Rig. 

Be warned, as you're approaching this area you'll be at risk for getting shot out of the sky. You'll only want to be coming here if you're Level 50+ and have a Pal that you've upgraded a lot.

What new Pals are in the Palworld Sakurajima Update?

There are 24 new Pals that have been added to Palworld in the Sakurajima Update. There are nine that are variant of previously available Pals, and fifteen that are brand new.

New Pal Variants

  • Gorirat Terra - A ground variant Gorirat
  • Chillet Ignis - A fire/dragon Chillet
  • Bushi Noct - A fire/dark Bushi
  • Katress Ignis - A fire/dark Katress
  • Wixen Noct - A fire/dark Wixen
  • Quivern Botan - A grass/dragon Quivern
  • Blazamut Ryu - A fire/dragon Blazamut
  • Halzephyr Luz - A electric/dark Halzephyr
  • Menasting Terra - A ground Menasting
The start of the Palworld Meteor world event in the Sakurajima Update
Meteor descent will mark Xenovader spawns, and a small chance of a Xenogard spawning

New Pals

  • 113 - Selyne
    Type: Dark/Neutral
    Proficient Skills: Handiwork Lv. 3, Medicine Lv. 3, Transporting Lv. 3
  • 114 - Croajiro
    Type: Water
    Proficient Skills: Handiworking Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 1, Watering Lv. 1, Gathering Lv. 1
  • 115 - Lullu
    Type: Grass
    Proficient Skills: Planting Lv. 2, Handiwork Lv. 2, Medicine Lv. 2, Gathering Lv. 1
  • 116 - Shroomer
    Type: Grass
    Proficient Skills: Planting Lv. 1, Handiwork Lv. 1, Lumbering Lv. 2, Gathering Lv. 2
  • 116B - Shroomer Noct
    Type: Grass/Dark
    Proficient Skills: Planting Lv. 2, Handiwork Lv. 1, Lumbering Lv. 2, Gathering Lv. 2
  • 117 - ​​​​Kikit
    Type: Ground
    Proficient Skills: Mining Lv. 1
  • 118 - Scootseer
    Type: Fire/Dark
    Proficient Skills: Kindling Lv. 3, Handiwork Lv. 2, Gathering Lv. 1, Mining Lv. 2, Farming Lv. 1 (Used to obtain Bone)
  • 119 - Prixter
    Type: Ground/Dark
    Proficient Skills: Lumbering Lv. 3, Medicine Lv. 1, Gathering Lv. 1
  • 120 - Knocklem
    Type: Ground
    Proficient Skills: Transporting Lv. 4, Gathering Lv. 3, Mining Lv. 3
  • 121 - Yakumo
    Type: Neutral
    Proficient Skills: Gathering Lv. 2 
  • ​​​​​​​122 - Dogen
    Type: Neutral
    Proficient Skills: Handiwork Lv. 3, Lumbering Lv. 2, Medicine Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 2, Gathering Lv. 2
  • ​​​​​​​123 - Dazemu
    Type: Ground
    Proficient Skills: Gathering Lv. 2
  • ​​​​​​​124 - Mimog
    Type: Neutral
    Proficient Skills: Gathering Lv. 1
  • ​​​​​​​125 - Xenovader
    Type: Dark
    Proficient Skills: Lumbering Lv. 2, Transporting Lv. 2
  • ​​​​​​​126 - Xenogard
    Type: Dragon
    Proficient Skills: Mining Lv. 3
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| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew

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January 19, 2024 (Calendar)
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