Workshop in Aloft

How To Craft In Aloft

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Published: January 20, 2025 4:21 PM

Learning to build a Workbench will be one of the first Knowledge Stones you discover in Aloft. Crafting takes various resources and materials, combines them together, and creates something all new by using the Workbench. This will be vital to your survival throughout different sky islands and protect yourself from the horrors that await in Aloft. This guide will go through the steps on how to build a Workbench, how to craft, how to learn new crafting recipes, and more.

How To Craft In Aloft

After discovering an early Knowledge Stone, you will unlock the ability to build a Workbench. The Workbench is optimal in creating many of your starting tools, items, various resources, drinking water, and more.

How To Build A Workbench

To build a Workbench, you will need:

  • 5 Wood

After gathering your resources, open the build menu and place down a Workbench.


By interacting with the Workbench, you can now start crafting.

Crafting Menu

How To Craft A Sharp Stone

By interacting with the Workbench, you can now mix up to five resources together that will form something new. You will only be able to combine materials that are yellow-dotted, but you can added even five of the same resource together. Crafting is a lot more stricter than cooking and follow more exact recipes rather than mixing random resources to form with an end result.

Starting with something unlocked early, let us create a Sharp Stone.

To create a Sharp Stone, you will need:

  • 2 Stone

After obtaining the resources, drag and drop or click on 2 stone.

Craft Stone

Then hold left-click with your mouse on the "CRAFT" that is above the five slots--in this case two slots have Stone in them.

A line will make a full circle and you will have crafted your Sharp Stone. As long as you have the materials, you can continue to hold left-click as long as you would like to craft more and watch the line make another full circle each time, while your resources diminish to form a new crafted product.

Circle Stone

If there are resources you have for a recipe you have not made, you can also just combine resources together to create the recipe itself; but not the final product. After you have crafted a resource once, you can click on the end product in the other tabs and it will place all of the resources needed into the five slots for quick crafting. You still have to left-click hold onto the "CRAFT", but it is faster than dragging up to five materials each time for something you already are adept in making.

Be sure to check out our other guides below.







Artist headshot of Veerender Singh Jubbal
| Former Staff Writer
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Release Date
January 15, 2025 (Calendar)
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