Cooking Plate and Campfire in Aloft

How To Cook In Aloft

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Published: January 20, 2025 4:29 PM

Cooking is one of the main gameplay mechanics through Aloft. You will find new recipe lists, ingredients, and combinations throughout your journey, so it is best to learn how to cook efficiently at the start. This guide will go through the steps on how to build a Campfire, attach a Cooking Plate, the steps to tackle Aloft's cooking minigame, and more.

How To Cook In Aloft

Cooking in Aloft requires two structures to craft, which are:

  • A Campfire 
  • A Cooking Plate

Later on, you will unlock Fireplaces and a Big Campfire, but let us focus on the starting Campfire unlocked.

How To Build A Campfire

Once you have discovered the Knowledge Stone, you can build a Campfire as long as you have the crafting materials.

To build a Campfire, you will need:

  • 5 Wood
  • 6 Stone
  • 3 Charcoal

After you have gathered the materials, go to your Build menu and place the Campfire.

Campfire Unlit

Once placed, you will need to feed it 1 Charcoal to set it ablaze.

Once you have set it ablaze, you are ready to build a Cooking Plate.

Campfire Lit

How To Build A Cooking Plate

Once you have discovered the Knowledge Stone, you can build a Cooking Plate as long as you have the crafting materials.

To build a Cooking Plate, you will need:

  • 3 Wood
  • 3 Stone
  • 3 Charcoal

Once the Cooking Plate has been attached to the side of the Campfire, you can now interact with the Cooking Plate and cook prepared meals using cooking ingredients.

Cooking Plate

How To Cook

After you have chosen three ingredients to make a meal, you will be treated to a minigame.

In this minigame, you will have to hold the F Key to increase the gauge inside of the designated flame insignia. If your gauge reaches the red level inside of the flame insignia for too long, your meal will burn and turn into a Burnt Meal that only gives you 10 Bonus Health for 2 Minutes. Burnt Meals are not ideal in comparison to other prepared meals.

Cooking Minigame

You want to play it safe and hold the F Key around the upper middle before reaching the red levels inside of the flame insignia. Quickly, you can start holding and letting go of the F Key a little bit before reaching the burn threshold, which will allow you to efficiently cook your meal at a rapid pace, but not burn it. It takes some practice and you will have to be attentive to not burn your meals, or face losing those precious ingredients that could have created a higher quality meal.

Once you have mastered cooking in Aloft, you will be able to cook prepared meals from your recipe list with powerful long-lasting special effects with ease.

Be sure to check out our other Aloft guides below.

Artist headshot of Veerender Singh Jubbal
| Former Staff Writer
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Release Date
January 15, 2025 (Calendar)
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