Hood: Outlaws & Legends Collectibles Menu

Hood: Outlaws & Legends Collectibles Guide

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Published: May 13, 2021 6:55 PM

So you've spent a little time in Hood: Outlaws & Legends and you probably have a decent grasp of how the game works. If you don't, you might want to consider checking out our beginner's guide. One element that isn't terribly well explained is the Collectibles tab, with its Trinkets and Legends. How exactly do you go about collecting these collectibles, and what do you get for finding them all? Well, this guide should help you to get all the collectibles sorted in Hood: Outlaws & Legends

Hood: Outlaws & Legends Collectibles - Trinkets

Hood: Outlaws & Legends Collectibles - Trinkets Menu

Unlike most games, the Hood: Outlaws & Legends Collectibles don't work like they do in most games. You won't find these trinkets lying around the map, randomly placed or otherwise. You have to earn your trinkets through a combination of skill and luck. 

Basically, each time you silently assassinate someone, there's a random chance that you'll earn a trinket. The trinkets change depending on which map you're playing on, and they give you a little bit of background detail on the history of said map. Each map has 6 trinkets, so with the 5 maps that means there are a total of 30 for you to unlock. 

Unfortunately, there's not really much advice to give in terms of getting trinkets as the chances that one will spawn is completely random. Just make sure that you're doing a lot of stealth kills and you should come across them eventually. Bear in mind that, as far as we can tell, you don't unlock trinkets in training matches, so make sure you're playing proper PvP games to unlock those collectibles. 

Hood: Outlaws & Legends - Legends 

Hood: Outlaws & Legends Collectibles - Legends Menu

Another one of Hood: Outlaws & Legends Collectibles are Legends (I think that's how they got the title.) These are awarded to you for winning matches while playing as certain characters. How many matches do you need to win? Well, to fully unlock all 10 Legends for any given character, you'll need to win 35 matches total. That means to get all of the Legends for every character, you'll need to pull off 140 wins, 35  with each of the game's 4 distinct characters. 

If you manage to get it done you'll not only unlock each character's backstory, but you'll also get access to a special costume for that character to wear in matches as well. 

There you have it. That should be everything you need to know about Hood: Outlaws & Legends Collectibles. If you're struggling with anything else in the game you can check out some of our other guides, such as playing the game in single-player, or our guide on the hideout area

Will wearing an Odd Future shirt.
| Staff Writer

Will has been writing about video games professionally since 2016 and has covered everything from AAA game reviews to industry events and everything in… More about William

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Hood: Outlaws & Legends
Sumo Digital
Release Date
May 10, 2021 (Calendar)
MMO, Action RPG
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