Hogwarts Legacy Loom Guide: Enchanting and Upgrading Gear

Hogwarts Legacy Loom Guide: Enchanting and Upgrading Gear

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Published: February 14, 2023 10:16 PM

Hogwarts Legacy has a lot of moving parts, and one that seems almost insignificant at first becomes the difference between living and dying in the game later on down the line. The Enchanted Loom Spellcraft is learned once you have completed a few tasks Deek the house elf has given you. In order to unlock the loom, you will need to have completed Rackham's Trial and the quest "The Elf, The Nab-Sack, and The Loom". Deek has you go collect a few beasts and bring them back to your Vivarium. From there, you will collect reagents every 30 minutes from your beasts that will aid you in upgrading and enchanting your gear. 

To place the loom, you will need to add the Conjuring Spell to your spell bar and select the Utility tab. You will see the Enchanted Loom option there, and you can place it anywhere inside the Room of Requirement to begin using it.

How To Unlock Gear Traits in Hogwarts Legacy 

There are several Gear Traits to find and unlock in Hogwarts Legacy, but what exactly are they? Gear Traits are basically enchantments you can put onto your gear to give you the upper hand in battle. The traits range from taking less damage from a specific enemy to doing more damage when using a specific spell. Most of the Gear Traits can be unlocked by completing Combat Challenges and Room of Requirement Challenges in the Challenge Tab located in your main menu. Here is a list of all the unlockable Gear Traits we have found so far and what each challenge is to unlock said trait in Hogwart Legacy:

Gear Trait: What The Trait Does: Challenge To Unlock it: Challenge Type:
Protego Shielding I Decreased damage taken from Dark Wizards Defeat 40 Dark Wizards Combat 
Protego Shielding II Greatly decreased damage taken from Dark Wizards *Not Yet Unlocked* Combat 
Protego Shielding III Significantly decreased damage taken from Dark Wizards *Not Yet Unlocked* Combat 
Amphibial Protection I Decreased damage taken from Dugbogs Defeat 5 Dugbogs Combat 
Amphibial Protection II Greatly decreased damage taken from Dugbogs *Not Yet Unlocked* Combat 
Amphibial Protection III Significantly decreased damage taken from Dugbogs *Not Yet Unlocked* Combat 
Goblin Silver Resistance I Decreased damage taken from Goblins Defeat 30 Goblins Combat 
Goblin Silver Resistance II Greatly decreased damage taken from Goblins Defeat 60 Goblins Combat 
Goblin Silver Resistance III Significantly decreased damage taken from Goblins Defeat 100 Goblins Combat 
Necromantic Protection I Decreased damage taken from Inferi Defeat 10 Inferi  Combat 
Necromantic Protection II Greatly decreased damage taken from Inferi Defeat 20 Inferi  Combat 
Necromantic Protection III Significantly decreased damage taken from Inferi *Not Yet Unlocked* Combat 
Anti-Venom I Decreased damage taken from Spiders Defeat 40 Spiders Combat 
Anti-Venom II Greatly decreased damage taken from Spiders Defeat 70 Spiders Combat 
Anti-Venom III Significantly decreased damage taken from Spiders *Not Yet Unlocked* Combat 
Cushioning I Decreased damage taken from Trolls Defeat 5 Trolls Combat 
Cushioning II Greatly decreased damage taken from Trolls *Not Yet Unlocked* Combat 
Cushioning III Significantly decreased damage taken from Trolls *Not Yet Unlocked* Combat 
Lupus Protection I Decreased damage taken from Dark Mongrels  Defeat 10 Mongrels Combat 
Lupus Protection II Greatly decreased damage taken from Dark Mongrels  Defeat 20 Mongrels Combat 
Lupus Protection III Significantly decreased damage taken from Dark Mongrels  *Not Yet Unlocked* Room of Requirement
Ancient Magic I Increased damage from Ancient Magic  Upgrade Your Gear 5 Times Room of Requirement
Ancient Magic II Greatly increased damage from Ancient Magic  Upgrade Your Gear 10 Times Room of Requirement
Ancient Magic III Significantly increased damage from Ancient Magic  Upgrade Your Gear 15 Times Room of Requirement

Where To Find Gear Traits in Hogwarts Legacy 

Now, you can unlock a large number of gear traits by completing challenges, but there are several that can only be found in chests around the game. With that said, it appears that these are completely randomly generated drops from chests around the world, so there is no way to guide you to get each and every Gear Trait.

There are different types of chests throughout the game to find - Collection Chests are the ones you will need to open in order to locate these Gear Traits. Again, they are random drops, so there is no set location to unlock the traits at this time. It will be a very tedious process opening each and every Collection Chest you come across, but that is the only way to unlock the extra gear traits. We can narrow it down to one type of area though, and that is within Bandit Camps. These chests will contain a random trait in them, and in order to see the White Chest icon on the map, you will need to open up the bandit camp on the World Map by running around inside the camp. Here is a list of all 50 Gear Traits that can be found in Collection Chests in Bandit Camps all around the map in Hogwarts Legacy:

Gear Trait: What The Trait Does:
Ancient Magic Focus I Increases Ancient Magic Meter fill rate
Ancient Magic Focus II Greatly increases Ancient Magic Meter fill rate
Ancient Magic Focus III Significantly increases Ancient Magic Meter fill rate
Ambush I Increases spell damage while hidden by the Disillusionment Spell
Ambush II Greatly increases spell damage while hidden by the Disillusionment Spell
Ambush III Significantly increases spell damage while hidden by the Disillusionment Spell
Binding I Increases damage when using Petrificus Totalus
Binding II Greatly increases damage when using Petrificus Totalus
Binding III Significantly increases damage when using Petrificus Totalus
Concentration I Increases the damage of all Damage Spells 
Concentration II Greatly increases the damage of all Damage Spells 
Concentration III Significantly increases the damage of all Damage Spells 
Cruelty I Increases damage when using Crucio
Cruelty II Greatly increases damage when using Crucio
Cruelty III Significantly increases damage when using Crucio
Disarming I Increases damage when using Expelliarmus
Disarming II Greatly increases damage when using Expelliarmus
Disarming III Significantly increases damage when using Expelliarmus
Destruction I Increases damage when using Confringo
Destruction II Greatly increases damage when using Confringo
Destruction III Significantly increases damage when using Confringo
Deafening I Increased damage when using a Mandrake
Deafening II Greatly increased damage when using a Mandrake
Deafening III Significantly increased damage when using a Mandrake
Control I Increased damage when using Ancient Magic Throw
Control II Greatly increased damage when using Ancient Magic Throw
Control III Significantly increased damage when using Ancient Magic Throw
Unforgivable I Increased damage dealt to Cursed targets
Unforgivable II Greatly increased damage dealt to Cursed targets
Unforgivable III Significantly increased damage dealt to Cursed targets
Fangs I Increased damage when using Chinese Chomping Cabbage
Fangs II Greatly increased damage when using Chinese Chomping Cabbage
Fangs III Significantly increased damage when using Chinese Chomping Cabbage
Laceration I Increased damage when using Diffindo 
Laceration II Greatly increased damage when using Diffindo 
Laceration III Significantly increased damage when using Diffindo 
Manipulation I Target affected by Imperio Curse does increased damage
Manipulation II Target affected by Imperio Curse does greatly increased damage
Manipulation III Target affected by Imperio Curse does significantly increased damage
Herbology I Increased damage by all plants
Herbology II Greatly increased damage by all plants
Herbology III Significantly increased damage by all plants
Scorching II Greatly increased damage when using Incendio 
Scorching III Significantly increased damage when using Diffindo 
Venom I Increased damage when using Venomous Tentacula
Venom II Greatly increased damage when using Venomous Tentacula
Venom III Significantly increased damage when using Venomous Tentacula
Explosive I Increased damage when using Bombarda
Explosive II Greatly increased damage when using Bombarda
Explosive III Significantly increased damage when using Bombarda

Are There More Traits in Hogwarts Legacy?

There is only one extra Gear Trait we have found thus far in Hogwarts Legacy and that is Scorching I. This trait is unlocked automatically, as Deek gives you the trait to test the Enchanted Loom out during the quest "The Elf, The Nab-Sack, and The Loom".

How To Upgrade Gear in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy allows players to upgrade their gear using reagents from tamed beasts inside of their Vivarium. In order to unlock the ability to upgrade gear, you will need to do the quest "The Elf, The Nab-Sack, and The Loom", and use the Enchanted Loom to upgrade. The upgrades enhance your main stat that is already on the piece of gear you select to upgrade such as Defence or Offence. 


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Samantha Plaisance Gaming Writer
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Samantha is an experienced Freelance Gaming Writer with a deep passion for all things gaming. At a young age, she was introduced to the wonderful world of… More about Samantha

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